Aspirin tablet
Can I take Aspirin during menstruation?
The female body has faced many challenges. For a woman to experience the joy of motherhood
Why there may be a delay in menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen
Every woman experiences a situation when her lower abdomen hurts severely, but she doesn’t have her period. Such
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Why does the ovary hurt after ovulation and when to start worrying?
As practice shows, only some women closely monitor their health and regularly visit
Cervix during pregnancy: what changes may occur?
Cervix during pregnancy - changes and sizes
Take the first step and make an appointment with your doctor! After a child is conceived in a woman's body
the main feeling during embryo implantation
How does pain feel during embryo implantation and how long does it last?
If you are trying to get pregnant, the period of time between ovulation and when you can use homemade
menstruation after cleansing a frozen pregnancy
Heavy menstruation a month after curettage
Cleaning or scraping has a very negative effect on the female body. Regardless of abortifacient
Ovulation doesn't last long - don't delay conception
17th day of the cycle what. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy on different days of the cycle
How to calculate ovulation You can calculate ovulation during a menstrual cycle of 26 days using a simple formula.
How to get your period back after losing weight? 03
Restoring the menstrual cycle after losing weight
What to do if this happens? To return the cycle and stop the development of amenorrhea, it is necessary that
Lactobacilli, DNA (Lactobacillus spp., PCR) scraping, count. in Moscow
Lactobacilli: microbiology These are gram-positive bacteria that are anaerobes (carry out all life processes in
Bloody discharge instead of menstruation is a good reason for concern
Why is period regularity so important? The regular release of an unfertilized egg is an indicator of women's health. At
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