Cerclage of the cervix - how sutures preserve pregnancy
What is cerclage? Cervical cerclage is a manipulation that is performed during ICI and allows
Ways to prepare the cervix for childbirth
Is it possible to use belladonna preparations before childbirth? In gynecology, the attitude towards belladonna suppositories
How many days do they stay in the hospital after cleaning if there is bleeding?
Doctors call curettage curettage, and patients in gynecological departments call it cleansing. Some doctors think like this
Reproductive system hormones: progesterone, estradiol, testosterone
The body's reproductive system is the system responsible for the human body's ability to reproduce. On
Changes in the cervix by day of the cycle as a method for determining ovulation
The cervix (cervix) is the lower part of the organ that separates it from the vagina. It goes through
Causes of cervical cancer at the psychogenic level
Psychological causes of the disease In modern medicine, it is customary to classify oncological diseases of the reproductive organs as diseases transmitted
Causes of ICN
How long does it take for an internal suture to heal after a cesarean section?
Causes of ICI During pregnancy, the cervix of the genital organ is a kind of closure, thanks to which the child
Why breasts swell and enlarge before menstruation (menstruation), reasons
Many women are interested in why their breasts become enlarged, swollen and sore before menstruation. Each of
How is Yarina used for endometriosis?
The principle of action of Yarin is a monophasic oral contraceptive with a pronounced androgenic effect. The contraceptive effect is provided
Ovarian biopsy in women: what it is, how it is performed, results
About the procedure Many couples at the planning stage of a baby encounter problems. Woman turns to
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