Itchy breasts
Why does a woman’s breasts itch: causes of itching
string(10) “error stat” There are many reasons why women’s breasts itch. Besides
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Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle and pain in the lower back
The concept of “ovulation” In a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the 13-15th day from the first day
Intravenous anesthesia for curettage contraindications
Curettage is a surgical process in which the uterine cavity is cleaned. It can also be carried out
women Health
Sage for ovulation: how will it help and how to take it?
Sage is considered a panacea for a variety of ailments, including hormonal imbalances and menstrual cramps. Active substances
Uterine polyp
Heavy periods after endometrial polyp curettage
What is a polyp formation? A uterine polyp is a benign growth in the lining of the uterus.
How long does it take for menstruation to start after a vacuum?
Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion? Like any procedure, the vacuum method of abortion
grass red brush
How to use the red brush for conception
The red brush for infertility is recognized as the most effective treatment not only by traditional herbal healers, but also
Manifestations of endometriosis
Pain and bleeding in the middle of the cycle. I'm taking duphaston
What is breakthrough bleeding? Uterine bleeding refers to the release of blood from the uterine cavity, not
How to care for hair during menopause: 6 recipes from traditional medicine against hair loss
With the onset of menopause, a woman’s body begins to undergo various changes associated with changes in
What is the likelihood of pregnancy with adnexitis of the appendages with inflammation of the ovaries of various etiologies: is it possible to conceive and give birth
The most amazing part of a woman's body is her reproductive system. After all, this is where it begins
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