Carefree pads - daily and for critical days
The history of the use of feminine pads goes back to the distant past. Menstruation and women's health problems
Postpartum periods
Menstruation in women over 50: is it good or bad?
Menstruation for a woman is always a source of various experiences and worries. Delayed or started earlier
Bloody discharge a week after menstruation: causes and treatment methods
Complaints about menstrual irregularities are among the three most common reasons for which women
Causes of discomfort in the form of itching and burning during ovulation. How to treat and relieve symptoms
Causes of itching Itching before menstruation (causes include improperly chosen underwear) can
How long does it take for pentalgin to work for abdominal pain?
The drug "Pentalgin" for menstruation: rules of administration, restrictions and price Severe abdominal pain in
Panty liners
Is it possible to use urological pads during menstruation?
*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature.
Menorrhagia code ICD. Heavy menstruation during puberty
Absence of menstruation, scanty and infrequent menstruation: No. 91 In accordance with ICD 10, scanty menstruation
Mammography. Indications and contraindications for mammography
Mammography is a type of diagnosis that is a screening study of the condition of the mammary gland, the purpose of which is to
Is it possible to use birth control suppositories if you have uterine fibroids?
Features of treatment with suppositories Uterine fibroids are understood as hormone-dependent benign neoplasms that have the shape of a node. Because the
Which tampons are best for swimming in the sea during heavy periods?
The benefits of water procedures for the female body are an undeniable fact. Regular swimming helps strengthen muscles
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