Menstrual irregularities: ICD code 10, painful, heavy, irregular
Absence of menstruation, scanty and infrequent menstruation: No. 91 In accordance with ICD 10, scanty menstruation
We always carry our hygiene product with us
Why do girls need panty liners and sanitary pads?
Panty liners are a lifesaver for a girl who, due to circumstances, cannot
tampon size
Can virgins use tampons?
The maturation of a girl is determined, among other things, by the appearance of monthly menstrual flow. Now, in continuation of several
Photo 0
Nausea and pulling in the lower abdomen a week before menstruation reasons
All women experience their periods differently. The process is asymptomatic or with obvious signs of PMS
hand near halos
What is dangerous about green discharge from the chest and for what reasons does it appear when pressed?
The mammary glands take part in lactation and are therefore important for any woman. Extracts from them
cystitis and menstruation at the same time
Cystitis before menstruation: why it occurs and how to prevent it
Cystitis and menstruation Cystitis, regardless of its causes, does not go away on its own. Reproductive systems also suffer
Tampons Tampax
Modern hygienic tampons: tampax, kotex and ob. The harm of tampons. How to choose and use tampons correctly
During critical days, all representatives of the fairer sex first of all think about reliable
Luteal phase deficiency: diagnostic criteria and methods of correction
Luteal phase deficiency (LPF) is a pathological process of the menstrual cycle. It is characterized by a violation
How to use pads during menstruation and daily correctly
The question of why pads are needed arises in every girl on the eve of the onset of menstruation. Such means
Mucus before menstruation
Transparent mucous discharge before menstruation: norm and pathology
Symptoms » Mucus before menstruation: what you should be wary of. You should probably start with something pleasant.
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