The use of soda solution for douching in the treatment of thrush and for conceiving a child

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) has many beneficial properties. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other effects. Thanks to this, it is quite successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. It is taken orally, compresses are made, dripped into the nose, etc. Washing with soda is also widely used.

Is it possible to wash yourself with soda?

Soda solutions when washing are a safe and proven method for combating fungal diseases. Soda is hypoallergenic and does not contain synthetic additives. Such treatment methods are even prescribed to children: for example, girls suffering from vulvovaginitis.

In the absence of contraindications, pregnant women can also wash with soda. However, in late pregnancy (third trimester) it is better not to carry out such a procedure without a doctor’s prescription.

In addition to washing, we recommend using baking soda to treat thrush.

Since washing with soda is a more gentle method and affects only the external genitalia, they are also popular among women who, for some reason, cannot douche.

When to wash

Washing with a soda solution for itching of the intimate area should not be done only in certain cases:

  • in the presence of erosion;
  • after childbirth;
  • in the presence of acute inflammation in the vagina and uterus.

Soda solution is used with caution during pregnancy. Douching is prohibited to avoid miscarriage. It must be remembered that frequent washing with soda dries out the mucous membrane. As a result, additional problems may arise. You also need to know how to properly prepare a soda solution. In any case, you should consult a doctor before using it.

The principle of action of soda during washing

Baking soda has antiseptic and antibacterial effects. When washing, a slightly alkaline soda solution destroys bacteria that accumulate on the genitals and helps relieve swelling and redness.

The slightly alkaline environment of the solution effectively fights Candida fungi, eliminating external foci of inflammation. For a full effect on fungi, it is recommended to combine washing with vaginal rinsing (douching).

Baking soda also works well against irritation, drying out inflamed skin and eliminating itching.

In folk medicine, the method of douching with soda for conception is popular (see the material at the link).

Indications and contraindications

Doctors recommend douching with baking soda for the following indications:

  • treatment of candidiasis (thrush), accompanied by swelling of the labia, copious cheesy discharge, itching, burning, pain during sex;
  • absence of pregnancy – increased chance of conception.

The following factors are contraindications to douching, which can lead to complications:

  • pregnancy period;
  • symptoms of candidiasis during pregnancy;
  • cervical erosion;
  • sexual infections;
  • recent childbirth;
  • before visiting a gynecologist.

What problems does baking soda solve when washing?

Most often, soda washes are used to combat three problems:

  • Thrush. For thrush, a soda solution helps eliminate colonies of fungi growing in the discharge, and relieve itching and burning. In this case, it is recommended to wash the area in the morning and evening, carefully removing accumulated secretions. For complete treatment, along with rinsing, the doctor may prescribe vaginal suppositories or other antifungal drugs.
  • Itching. A common symptom indicating a whole range of problems: an allergy to synthetic underwear that is too tight, the presence of an infectious disease, insufficient adherence to personal hygiene measures. In case of itching, it is necessary to find out the cause of the problem: if the itching is caused by allergic reactions, it will be enough to eliminate the allergen. If the cause lies in the inflammatory process, appropriate therapy must be carried out simultaneously with washing.
  • Cystitis. A disease accompanied by extremely painful urination, burning and other unpleasant symptoms. For cystitis, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day in combination with drug therapy.

Contraindications for use

Folk remedies using soda for the treatment of cystitis should not be used by those who have an allergic reaction to this product. In addition, soda is not recommended for use by women who suffer from oncology, low acidity of the body, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Those people who have been diagnosed with gastric ulcers and acute inflammation of the intestinal tract will also have to refuse such therapy.

It is also impossible to start treating cystitis using soda in cases where there is blood in the urine. If this unpleasant symptom appears, you should contact a specialist who should prescribe adequate and correct treatment.

Is it possible to wash yourself with soda during menstruation?

During menstruation, washing with soda is not prohibited. However, is this necessary?

Under normal conditions, the pH of the vaginal environment ranges from 3.8 to 4.5. Menstrual blood has a pH of 7.4. The indicators show that during menstruation, the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases naturally, so there is no need to artificially reduce the acidity.

In addition, an artificial decrease in acidity can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and increased dryness, which will negatively affect women's health. Therefore, despite the safety of the method, you should refrain from performing the procedure during menstruation. Gynecologists advise against washing with any means during menstruation and use only clean water.

Treatment rules

The effectiveness of soda has been repeatedly confirmed by medical studies. In addition, scientists have proven that this product is as organic for humans as table salt. When undergoing soda therapy, you must follow some rules:

  1. You need to use soda without carbon dioxide, that is, slaked.
  2. It is necessary to separate food intake and soda intake by a significant time interval. Do not drink the solution immediately before or after meals. The digestion process is accompanied by the formation of an acidic environment, so it is undesirable to mix them.
  3. Take warm (hot) water.
  4. You need to start taking soda with minimal amounts, then increase them to therapeutic doses.

How to wash with soda correctly?

To properly prepare a solution for washing, you need to consider some important features:

  • The procedure does not require a large amount of solution, so you need to prepare the product immediately before washing. Re-use of the product is not allowed; the mixture is prepared anew for each procedure.
  • Soda powder must be dissolved in hot water, and then allowed to cool to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.
  • The solution is prepared with strict adherence to proportions: 0.5 liters. take 1 tsp of water. soda The water must be boiled. If there is a need to prepare 1 liter. solution, then you will need 1 tbsp. soda

How to prepare a solution for douching with soda for thrush - we’ll talk in a separate article.

When carrying out the procedure, it is also important to follow simple rules:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before washing.
  • Carry out the procedure only with short-cut nails. Under long nails, particles of dirt and bacteria often remain, which only intensify the development of infection.
  • Do not wash during menstruation or before undergoing gynecological tests.

Preparing a solution from soda

To prepare the solution, take one tablespoon of regular soda and pour boiling water (one liter). The composition is mixed until the grains are completely dissolved. When washing or douching, particles should not get on the mucous membrane, in order to avoid the formation of microtraumas on it.

The concentration of the solution cannot be increased. Otherwise, the acid-base balance may be disrupted. Then burns, dryness, and microcracks will appear. If the concentration of the solution decreases, then washing will have no effect at all. If you need to get a little solution, then it is done in proportions: one teaspoon of soda per two hundred milligrams of water.

Baths for washing with soda

In addition to washing the genitals, baths are also used to combat infections and irritation. They prepare like this:

  • Take a wide pelvis. Prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. tea soda and 1 l. water.
  • Lower yourself into the basin so that the water completely covers the genitals. It is necessary to remain in the solution for 20 minutes.
  • When finished, dry yourself thoroughly. If necessary, after 20 minutes. Antifungal ointment can be applied to the affected areas.

There is also a recipe for washing baths with iodine. In this case, 10 drops of iodine are added to the prepared solution, and the procedure time is reduced to 10 minutes.

What unpleasant consequences are possible?

If the procedure is used incorrectly, side effects may occur. For example, women experience the following consequences:

  • if you use douching too often, the pH of the vaginal microflora is disrupted, the protective lubricant is washed out of it, and favorable conditions are created for pathogens to develop;
  • an allergic reaction occurs;
  • the risk of injury to the vagina or bladder increases;
  • development of inflammatory pathologies of the uterus and its appendages.

If this is not the first time you have douched and you notice that the procedure gives a good effect, then you can continue in the same spirit. Naturally, we should not forget that treatment in this way is necessary infrequently and for a short time. But if there are any contraindications listed earlier, then it is better to refuse such therapy.


Angelina, 37 years old, Saratov. My doctor advised me to wash myself with baking soda. She said that this would be a good addition to the vaginal suppositories that I used to treat thrush. I don’t know whether washing will be effective without candles, but with candles it worked perfectly - I got rid of thrush in a month.

Valeria, 24 years old, St. Petersburg. I’m writing a positive review because washing with soda really works! I always thought that folk methods were some kind of nonsense, but it turned out that a better method had not yet been invented. I washed myself with a solution of soda twice a day, after two weeks the irritation disappeared and the discharge stopped. Now I recommend this product to everyone!

In the video, Elena Malysheva talks about the intricacies of washing.

How long will treatment take and are additional medications needed?

If a woman is undergoing a course of douching, its duration should not exceed 5 days. Neglecting this recommendation can lead to dryness of the vaginal mucosa and the development of severe dysbacteriosis in it. Treatment of thrush with soda in women in the form of washing can be used for a longer period - up to 10-14 days.

It is important to remember that soda solution is just an adjuvant in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. It should be used in combination with systemic antimycotic drugs, but not in isolation, since there is a high risk of relapse and the infection becoming chronic.

By learning the recipes and how to treat thrush with soda, you can help yourself quickly eliminate the painful symptoms that disrupt your physical and emotional balance.


Douching with soda for pregnancy

Pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited child is a problem that faces many married couples. Often, after examination and tests, doctors shrug their shoulders and say that both partners are healthy. In this case, the cause of death of sperm that enter the female body is most likely due to increased acidity of the vagina. Normally, an acidic environment is needed to fight harmful microorganisms. Closer to ovulation, acidity decreases to accept sperm for fertilization. But many women experience an excessive increase in acid.

Causes of increased acidity can be:

  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • excessively careful intimate hygiene;
  • stress.

The pH level in the vagina can be determined by test strips, which are publicly available at pharmacies. They are quite easy to use. Depending on the type of test, the strip is either inserted into the vagina or a small amount of secretion is applied directly to it. When the color of the test changes, it is compared with the scale. The darker the shade, the higher the acidity. To remove excess acid, they resort to douching with baking soda, which makes the environment in the vagina more alkaline.

Doctors' opinion about douching with soda

According to doctors, douching with soda is a method of traditional medicine
. Before using this treatment method, you must consult a doctor. Gynecologists have different opinions about douching with soda. The older generation of doctors welcomes this treatment in addition to the main one. But most gynecologists believe that this method belongs to traditional medicine.

In any case, the doctor will prescribe tests to determine the vaginal microflora. Based on the tests performed, he will recommend treatment, and as an addition, soda douching.

Contraindications and side effects of the procedure

There are a number of diseases for which soda douching is contraindicated:

  • cervical erosion;
  • genitourinary tract infection;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • decreased vaginal acidity.

It is important to remember: frequent douching with soda can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.
Doctors also warn about the side effects of this treatment method. Frequent douching washes away natural lubrication and disrupts the natural pH balance.

Douching with soda can:

  • dry out the vaginal mucosa;
  • reduce protective barriers;
  • develop benign tumors;
  • lead to an allergic reaction;
  • injure the vagina and cervix.

Vaginal douching is not a hygienic procedure. It is prescribed by a gynecologist only for the treatment of certain diseases and should be carried out no longer and no more often than established norms and doses.

Video: doctor Ekaterina Makarova’s opinion on douching

It is important to know

During douching procedures, women should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • completely eliminate fatty, spicy and salty foods from your diet;
  • those who take tranquilizers and antidepressants should give them up for a while;
  • completely avoid wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • stop drinking energy drinks, coffee, alcohol and products containing caffeine;
  • refrain from going to the bathhouse, solarium and sauna;
  • You should not take a hot bath or shower, and you should also avoid swimming in open water;
  • adhere to both physical and sexual rest.

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