Why do vulvar synechiae form in girls and how are they treated?

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Sometimes mothers of little girls discover that their daughter’s labia minora are tightly stuck together. A kind of membrane appears between them, blocking the entrance to the vagina. In most cases, the child feels well and does not experience any discomfort in the perineal area. However, some girls suffer from difficulty urinating, and this is already a reason to sound the alarm.

Is this phenomenon dangerous and how can it be eliminated? It all depends on the reason why the synechiae formed and whether they interfere with the normal functioning of the baby’s genitourinary system.

Carrying out an inspection

First of all, you should start by examining your child. Before doing this, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and trim your nails so as not to injure the baby’s delicate skin. To determine the fusion of the labia minora in a girl, spread the legs and carefully examine the genitals. Note the presence of a genital slit through which the vagina is visible.

If you see only a whitish stripe, and you cannot part the labia minora, then there is a possibility of having this disease. Sometimes fusion of the labia majora is also observed.

Help from traditional medicine

Traditional healers offer their recipes on how to deal with synechia of the labia minora in girls. The peculiarity of this treatment method is its complete naturalness. In this case, no additional harm is caused to the child’s body.

The most popular remedy is calendula oil. It has an anti-inflammatory, tonic and sedative effect. The product is sold in almost every pharmacy. It is recommended to apply it in a thin layer, preferably after an evening swim.

Another effective method is sitz baths with chamomile. The plant is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The procedure can be repeated daily, but you should first consult with your doctor.


But how to determine the signs of fusion of the labia minora in girls? Photos in specialized publications can clearly show what this disease looks like.

As a rule, the disease does not cause any discomfort to the child. Sometimes problems with urination may appear, and during this process the girl begins to grunt, cry and strain. However, after urination, relief usually occurs. So, let's look at the symptoms of fusion of the labia minora in girls (photos are not presented in our article for ethical reasons). The signs will be as follows:

  1. Redness of the skin in the genital area, as well as the formation of a rash.
  2. Irritation of the mucous membrane.
  3. Baby's crying, which indicates pain when touched when washing or bathing.
  4. The stream during urination is directed upward, but this symptom is typical for boys.

Girls over 1 year of age suffer from urine leakage even if they are already using the potty.

Dangerous diseases

To prevent complications with fusion of the labia minora in girls, treatment should begin immediately after symptoms are detected. But what will be the danger of this disease?

This disease cannot be regarded as a natural process of the body that can be ignored. It is rarely accompanied by serious consequences for the baby’s body. Nevertheless, such a condition can cause the development of various infectious processes. As the disease progresses in the future, the girl may experience problems with the growth of the genital organs, as well as improper formation of the perineal area. In addition, a woman may suffer from problems with conception and childbirth in the future.

We have determined what fusion of the labia minora looks like in girls. At the initial stage, the disease makes itself felt in the form of swelling of the vulva, redness, irritation, and pain during urination. If you suspect fusion of the labia minora with the labia majora in girls, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Synechiae is an insidious disease that has a tendency to recur. You should not hope to resolve this problem on your own. As a rule, the disease can be completely cured by the time of puberty. In the case of this pathology, the child should be constantly observed by a pediatric gynecologist, who will determine the appropriate treatment for fusion of the labia minora in girls (a photo diagram of this disease is available above).

Diagnostic methods

If a gynecologist finds synechiae in a girl during an examination, he must assess how dangerous this condition is and whether the child has concomitant diseases that could cause it.

To identify the causes of synechiae, the following laboratory tests may be required:

  • smear analysis;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • stool examination for dysbacteriosis;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and scrapings for enterobiasis;
  • checking blood sugar levels.

Causes of the disease

The reasons for the development of the disease can be many things. If you notice symptoms in a newborn girl, this may be caused by a complicated pregnancy, as well as intrauterine infection of the fetus. The reasons for fusion of the labia minora in girls of preschool age will be as follows:

  1. Past infectious diseases of the genitourinary area, for example, vulvitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, when bacteria enter the area of ​​inflammation, provoking the development of the disease.
  2. Transmission of various microorganisms through household means, for example, through a towel or other household items.
  3. Improper intimate hygiene, the use of too aggressive cosmetic gels and soaps that eliminate the bacterial environment necessary for the body.
  4. Tendency to an allergic reaction as a result of contact of the skin with the remains of laundry detergent, which accumulates on the laundry, with sanitary wet wipes, as well as diapers, which lead to swelling of the vulva, as well as to the further formation of synechiae.
  5. Hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by a deficiency of estrogen in the body.
  6. Using underwear made from low-quality synthetic materials.
  7. Intestinal dysbiosis, helminthic infestations, use of certain medications.

Note that partial fusion of the labia minora may also occur in girls. Photos in medical publications can clearly show what this disease looks like. However, it is worth noting that even such a disease requires mandatory treatment. Incomplete fusion of the labia minora in girls can also cause unpleasant consequences in the future.

Carrying out a massage

Massage is used as an additional measure in the treatment of synechia of the labia minora in infants and preschool girls. You must first consult your doctor.

Before the procedure, regular baby cream should be applied to the affected area. After the product is completely absorbed, you can proceed directly to the massage. In this case, manipulations should be smooth and careful, but lightly pressing. You should not make sudden movements trying to separate the glued labia. They can cause psychological discomfort in the girl or even trauma.


If fusion is observed in a small area of ​​the labia minora, then the problem can be solved by observing the rules of personal hygiene, as well as caring for the genitals. However, the greatest danger comes from complete fusion, which can only be cured if you consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Before starting the main treatment, a general urine and blood test is taken from the child, a smear for bacterial culture from the vagina, as well as tests to detect hidden infections.

If the disease was caused by an allergic reaction, then in this case you will need to consult an allergist.

How to treat the disease?

If a girl has small (up to 5 mm) synechiae between the labia minora and labia majora, then this is not dangerous. The outflow of urine is not impaired, negative consequences are excluded. Therefore, in this case, you only need to show the child to a pediatric gynecologist once every six months. For synechia of the labia minora, conservative or surgical treatment may be prescribed. The doctor will give recommendations on proper hygiene and child care.

Conservative therapy is the use of ointments with estrogen in a course that is calculated individually (from 1 week to 2 months). As a result, the labia separate, and the ointment is gradually replaced with a baby cream recommended by the doctor.

If the case is advanced, surgery is needed. Synechiae are divided surgically under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. To prevent a relapse, they then make baths with herbs and use ointments.

Ointment "Ovestin"

As a rule, topical creams and ointments are used to treat this disease. Experts often prescribe Ovestin ointment, which is a hormonal external remedy used for various ailments that are associated with a lack of estrogen in the body. The main active ingredient in this product is estriol. Treatment with ointment is carried out for 3 weeks, after which a ten-day break is taken. Then the course of therapy is repeated. This ointment is recommended for use no more than once a day. Experts advise treating the affected area before bed.

This external agent is applied in a thin layer. Treatment is carried out using gentle rubbing movements. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the genital area while trying to separate the labia yourself.

Ointment "Kontraktubeks"

Experts quite often prescribe this cream for fusion of the labia minora in girls. The composition contains an ideal combination of active ingredients: sodium heparin, onion extract, allantoin. This ointment has a bactericidal effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is also capable of healing wound surfaces.

Apply the product to the problem area twice a day in a thin layer. The greatest effect can be achieved if you combine this drug with Bepanten. The duration of treatment will be 3 weeks, after which a pause is made. Since synechiae is a recurrent disease, an external remedy can also be used for preventive purposes. The drug has virtually no contraindications. The only thing will be increased intolerance or hypersensitivity to the individual components that are present in the ointment.

Local therapy

Doctors have different opinions about the need to treat synechia of the labia minora in girls. Some experts say that pathology should not be touched until 10 years of age. They explain this by saying that by this age the body begins to synthesize its own hormone estrogen. Therefore, the problem resolves itself. Other doctors insist on conservative or surgical therapy.

Local treatment comes down to the use of a drug such as Contractubex, estrogen-containing ointments and creams (Ovestin). Let's look at what each of the tools is in more detail.

"Kontraktubeks" is an anti-inflammatory drug that has a bactericidal effect. Heals wound surfaces well. The instructions recommend applying the product twice a day to the damaged surface. Greater results can be obtained by combining it with Traumeel S or Bepanthen. The duration of treatment is 20 days. The drug can also be used for preventive purposes. The only contraindication to its use is individual hypersensitivity to the incoming components.

"Ovestin" is a hormonal drug whose active ingredient is estriol. It is recommended to apply the ointment in a thin layer before going to bed. You should not put on the diaper until it is completely absorbed. The duration of treatment is 20 days, after which you need to take a break for a week. If itching, rashes or mucus discharge from the vagina occurs, therapy should be suspended and consult a doctor again to select an analogue remedy.

Conservative treatment also involves prescribing medications to combat associated health problems. For example, in case of a urinary tract infection, the doctor should prescribe antibiotics. For vulvitis and vulvovaginitis, the use of antiviral and antifungal drugs is indicated. If an allergic reaction occurs, antihistamines are needed.

Ointment "Bepanten"

This cream is effective if the disease is not complicated by inflammation. The cream eliminates ulcers, cracks, and erosions on the delicate skin. Using an external remedy can prevent the development of infections.

This remedy belongs to a safe group of drugs. The medicine can be used by both newborn children and older girls. The treatment is carried out after washing and thoroughly drying the genital area.

Home Remedies

In combination with the main therapy, you can use baths with the addition of calendula, chamomile, and oak bark. When treating labia fusion at home, oils of plant origin are used, for example, peach, sea buckthorn, grape seed, almond.

Anatomical certificate

The vulva is a kind of vaginal lock. It is formed due to the close contact of the inner surface of the labia minora and labia majora. This should be normal in a healthy body.

Tight closure of the genital slit depends on the integrity of the perineum and helps protect the vagina from contamination from the external environment. It prevents the penetration of air and the rapid evaporation of vaginal secretions with drying of the vaginal mucosa.

The labia minora are two longitudinal folds of skin. They are characterized by a good blood supply system and contain a large number of glands. Normally, 2/3 of their surface is tightly adjacent to each other. However, under the influence of a number of factors, their fusion may occur. In medical practice, this diagnosis sounds like synechia. Fusion can be complete or incomplete and occur in any area.

Surgical intervention

If conservative therapy does not produce the expected results, the specialist prescribes surgical treatment. In this case, a dissection is performed. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. This procedure does not pose any danger to the child’s health, does not cause discomfort in the baby, and does not provoke bleeding. The operation takes only a few minutes. After this procedure, the wound is treated with a special antiseptic solution, after which the child can go home after 20 minutes.

After surgical treatment, the genitals should be regularly treated for a certain period of time. As a rule, ointments and creams, as well as vegetable oils, are used for this. Alternatively, you can use a simple baby cream. Soothing baths prepared with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, string or sage can also be prescribed.

It is necessary to treat the area of ​​the labia minora with ointment for at least 1 month. In the future, this procedure is carried out once a week for preventive purposes.


Unfortunately, this disease can return to the child many times, even if the labia have been surgically separated. The problem can be resolved only after puberty. To reduce the risk of relapse, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures, as well as maintain good hygiene. Prevention will include the following:

  1. Washing the child with plain tap water without using cosmetics and soap, which dry out the vaginal mucosa and wash away beneficial microflora.
  2. Do not use bubble bath.
  3. Underwear should be made from natural materials, such as cotton. In these panties, the child's skin breathes freely. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the underwear should not squeeze or rub the perineal area, as this provokes an inflammatory process.
  4. Viral and infectious diseases should be diagnosed and treated promptly. In most cases, fusion occurs due to improper treatment of certain ailments.
  5. You should also visit a pediatric gynecologist regularly.
  6. Change your baby's diapers promptly.
  7. As a preventive measure, you can use ointments that contain estrogen (only on the recommendation of a doctor!). This is especially important for those girls who have previously been diagnosed with fusion of the labia.
  8. Use cosmetics and toilet paper without artificial dyes.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you can protect your child from developing this unpleasant disease.

Source: fb.ru

Diseases and conditions

Synechia of the labia

I decided to write an article on this topic based on personal experience, consultations with a gynecologist and reading various literature.

Currently, parents, in particular parents of girls, are increasingly faced with such a problem as synechiae of the labia. Let's try to figure out what it is, what is the reason for the occurrence of synechiae and how to avoid their occurrence.

Synechiae are fusions of the labia minora from the posterior commissure (the place where the labia minora join above the anus) to the clitoris. The length of the fusion may vary. With complete fusion, urine is retained behind the labia, enters the vagina and impedes the outflow of urine from the bladder.

Causes of synechiae:

Excessive cleanliness...

A similar situation arises when a girl is washed several times a day with soap. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the vulva (external genitalia) is very thin. When exposed to soap, the natural protective layer of the mucous membrane is disrupted, its cells slough off. And during healing, adhesion (fusion) of the labia occurs. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules also leads to adhesions. Frequent friction (wearing tight clothes) also easily injures the mucous membrane and this can lead to similar consequences.


Allergic reactions most often appear on the skin. However, do not forget that with allergy, the mucous membranes can also be affected along with the skin. Parents may not pay attention to the redness of the girl’s vulva. Therefore, parents of girls with allergies need to be especially attentive to the condition of the child’s perineum, because the risk of synechiae in this case increases.

Infection in the kidney tract

In some cases, the appearance of synechiae is a sign of an infection in the urinary tract. When dangerous bacteria enter the delicate mucous membrane of the external genitalia, inflammation occurs, leading to synechiae. To exclude such a situation, it is enough to take a general urine test and, if necessary, urine culture to check for the presence of infection.

Complications during pregnancy

Synechia most often develops when the pregnancy proceeded with severe toxicosis, an intrauterine infection that the girl could receive during childbirth while passing through the birth canal. Therefore, a mother who had similar problems during pregnancy needs to be more attentive in this matter.


Diapers can also provoke the appearance of synechiae, because... diaper rash and overheating are the basis of inflammatory processes. Therefore, do not forget about regular air baths for babies.

It is important to know:

The labia minora and labia majora do not fuse! This is the specificity of the structure. The transition zone from the small lips to the large lips is covered with skin, not mucous. As they grow older, the labia majora become more defined and cover the labia minora.

Treatment of synechiae

: There are several ways to solve this problem.
The first method
is to use Ovestin cream by applying lightly rubbing movements into the area of ​​the fused labia minora once in a thin layer at night and Contractubex ointment using the same method in the morning and afternoon. The result will come after this procedure in 5-7-10-14 days, depending on the size of the adhesions.

However, these creams are hormonal agents. And the use of hormonal drugs is contraindicated for a small child - this can lead to premature puberty.

Second way

elimination of synechiae - surgical dilution. The operation is unpleasant, but painless and occurs within a couple of minutes. Then apply liniment syntomecin ointment for 3 days.

Which method of treating synechiae to choose is up to you to decide after consultation with your doctor.

Prevention of occurrence

In order to prevent the appearance of synechiae and relapses, which are possible up to 6-7 years, it is enough to follow some rules:

Avoid frequent use of soap or shower gel. You can use intimate gel with pH = 8.0

Once a day, carry out a short massage with lightly pressing semicircular movements in the area above the anus with baby cream (sea buckthorn, Vaseline, peach or any baby oil)

Synechiae are quite dangerous and cause problems if not treated promptly. The transition from an acute process to a chronic one is not all. Synechiae that occur in girls can progress. With the growth of the genital organs, the girl’s perineum may not form correctly and, as a result, a serious violation of reproductive function. This is manifested by miscarriage, frequent threats of termination of pregnancy, and infertility. Therefore, timely diagnosis and identification of synechiae is an important factor. And regular examination should become an integral part of hygiene procedures, as well as routine medical examinations with a gynecologist.

When fusion of the labia minora is detected in time, it is easy to treat, and there are no consequences of the process.

Be healthy!

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