Trichomonas vaginitis and urethritis
What it is? Trichomonas vaginitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the vagina. This pathology
Focal endometrial hyperplasia, c/c absence of menstruation
The essence of the disease is endometrial hyperplasia. Endometrial hyperplasia is a fairly common problem, according to various statistics.
Contraindications for endometriosis: is it possible to sunbathe, go to the bathhouse and sauna, do massage, gymnastics
What contraindications exist for endometriosis Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects thousands
How to lose weight with polycystic ovary syndrome, doctors' recommendations
Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disease caused by a violation of the regulatory function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland on peripheral
at the gynecologist
Recurrence of endometrial hyperplasia after curettage
Curettage of the uterine cavity is carried out for endometrial hyperplasia in order to obtain analysis for research and
malavit instructions
Use of the drug "Malavit" in gynecology
Candidiasis or thrush is a common disease among the female half of the population. The reason for this is
If there is a cystic solid formation at the site of the lymph node
Pathological formation in the pelvic area Many people are afraid if they have
a drug
Acyclovir for genital herpes: instructions on how to take
Acyclovir for genital herpes is prescribed by specialists to suppress the activity of the herpes virus. He's the one
The influence of polyps on the birth process
Polyp on the cervix bleeds during pregnancy
The functioning of a woman's body changes greatly during pregnancy. This happens for many reasons
How does a three-layer endometrium appear?
The inner surface of the uterus is covered with a mucous layer called the endometrium. It changes under the influence of hormones, the level
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