Qlaira for endometriosis: instructions for use, analogues
Home › Endometriosis Klaira is used for endometriosis as an alternative to potent hormonal drugs that
What is squamous cell papilloma of the cervix called?
It is known that among gynecological pathologies, benign conditions of the cervix are in the lead. This is often due to
Therapeutic tampon Lu Li Meitan
Special Chinese tampons: benefits and harms, results of use
Chinese traditional medicine is famous for its long-standing recipes for beauty and health for women. One of
Elecampane during early pregnancy
Elecampane (inula helenium) is a perennial herbaceous plant with bright yellow-orange flowers, which has a whole
Vaginal plastic surgery - indications for surgery and methods
How long should you abstain from sexual activity? As with any type
Uterine infantilism: what is it, causes and signs of anomaly
Causes of infantilism There are the following degrees of underdevelopment of the uterus: - rudimentary uterus; - infantile uterus; —
Pulsation in the vagina: causes, diagnosis and answers from doctors
What can pulsation in the uterus indicate?
08/19/2020 Zoryan Freidovich Psychology Some of the sensations that women experience are difficult to describe in words. To those
With uterine fibroids, the belly grows
Why does the abdomen increase with uterine fibroids, can its volume increase
Causes of growth The formation of a tumor in the uterus always occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Uncontrolled synthesis
The birth of a child in a mature couple
Fetal development and a woman’s feelings during pregnancy after 40 years
Modern women forget a little about their original purpose - procreation and postpone their
What drugs help with menopause: principles of treatment with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs
Modern medicine allows women to easily survive menopause without deteriorating their quality of life. On pharmaceutical
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