cervical erosion
Cervical erosion, causes of occurrence in nulliparous women, symptoms and treatment
Currently, cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system.
Tubal rupture during ectopic pregnancy
HCG during ectopic pregnancy will help preserve the tube
How does a normal pregnancy occur? The egg and sperm meet to form an embryo. The fertilized egg is implanted into
birth control pills for women over 50 which are better
What birth control pills should you take at 50?
By the time the menopause begins, a woman’s body accumulates a whole list of pathological conditions that force
The uterus of a non-pregnant woman.
Enlarged uterus after childbirth. Causes of poor uterine contraction after childbirth
During 9 months of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size by more than 500 times, and
Burning, itching and discharge in women: what’s wrong?
Norm or pathology The body of a healthy woman of reproductive age undergoes cyclical changes every month associated
The effect of hCG injection on the follicle. Let's see in what cases this method is used
Stimulating the proper functioning of the ovaries and ovulation is an effective method of planning pregnancy during an anovulatory cycle
How to treat lower abdominal pain in later stages
Nagging pain in the lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy
The occurrence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen is a common occurrence during pregnancy. If
How to take flucostat for thrush during menstruation
More than half of all representatives of the fair sex have encountered a problem at least once in their lives
Douching with soda for cervical erosion
Is it possible to douche with soda for cervical erosion?
In case of cervical erosion, the doctor prescribes douching in combination with other manipulations, the purpose of which is
Puncture of breast fibroadenoma, is it painful?
Types of examination Advantages over excisional biopsy Indications Contraindications How to prepare? Equipment for puncture and
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