What kind of discharge can occur with endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a disease in which pathological processes are activated in the tissues of the uterus. It is diagnosed
The use of tampons with honey, aloe and onion in gynecology
Treatment of gynecological diseases using a tampon with honey and aloe
November 27, AmazingHealth Since ancient times, people have known the healing properties of honey. Our
Atrophic type of cytology smear - what does it mean?
CYTOLOGY smear is a method for microscopic examination of the cervical epithelium for the purpose of prevention and early
Clostilbegit and Divigel when planning pregnancy: dosage regimen
Divigel is used when planning pregnancy when the patient has endometrial hypoplasia. Inner layer of the uterus
How to dilute iodinol for douching for thrush
Advantages of the drug The main advantage of Iodinol in the treatment of candidiasis is the elimination of the causative agent of the disease - fungus
Symptoms of endometritis after cesarean section
Hematometra after cesarean section is a retention of blood in the uterus. It appears when there is an obstacle on
Can thrush appear due to stress?
The basis of many diseases is psychosomatics. Treatment of diseases that appear on the nervous system consists of
What kind of discharge after IVF is normal?
Normal and pathological discharge after IVF
The success rate after the first IVF attempt is 35–42%. Approximate probability 1 in 3,
Birth control pills for uterine fibroids Novinet
Any benign tumor of the reproductive organs negatively affects the possibility of conception. Due to this
discharge from morning-after pills during pregnancy
When examined by a gynecologist, epithelial defects are often found on the vaginal mucosa of the cervix,
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