Normal and pathological discharge during pregnancy and after childbirth
Vaginal secretion during pregnancy In a woman’s body, when she is carrying a baby, large-scale hormonal changes occur.
heart in hands
Cervical erosion: symptoms of the disease and treatment methods
Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the epithelial layer of the vaginal segment of the organ. The disease is diagnosed
What to do if you forgot to take your birth control pill?
Instructions for use of Novinet The effectiveness of the drug is due to the content of synthetic estrogenic and progestin components, which
Pain reliever for menstrual pain. Names of tablets and injections.
Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, pediatric gynecologist. Area of ​​professional interests: sexually transmitted infections, diseases
Bad feeling
Abortion at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester
Officially, abortion at the 13th week is no longer performed at the woman’s request, the last deadline
What kind of discharge can there be in the middle of the cycle?
What discharge is considered normal? Leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle is acceptable in a transparent or whitish color, without
Suppositories for bacterial vaginosis: names, composition and instructions for use
Suppositories for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis
10.28.2020 Alena Masheva Health Bacterial vaginosis is a disorder of the vaginal microflora, which manifests itself in a decrease
Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy at 43 years old
Why there are no reasons for menstruation other than pregnancy after 40 years
Delayed menstruation, the main reasons other than pregnancy. Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to
Contraceptive pills Jess for uterine fibroids
Name of service Price Promotion! Initial consultation with a reproductologist and ultrasound 0 rub. Repeated consultation with a fertility specialist
Intestinal adhesions and adhesions in the pelvic area in women, adhesions of the uterus, fallopian tubes of the ovaries, answers to basic questions. PART 3
There may be discharge after tubal removal surgery
My side hurts. After complete healing of the wound, pain may be observed in the area of ​​the operation. This
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