Is it possible to have sex with thrush? Ways of transmission of thrush
Candidiasis is a fungal infection that can affect the mouth, digestive tract, skin, vulva, and vagina.
Should you drink Postinor: convenient contraception or a health threat?
Use of postinor in accordance with the instructions and taking into account contraindications for the use of this drug,
Urological pads. Types and main qualities
Urinary incontinence is a common problem among middle-aged, older men and people after surgery.
Puberty of girls
Fusion of the labia minora and other pathologies of the external genitalia in girls from a gynecologist
Anatomy of the Female External Genitalia The vulva (external genitalia) is a natural external "lock"
Useful properties of red brush herb, application diagram, preparation
Red brush (Rhodiola Altai) is a unique type of medicinal plant that can only be found in
After curettage of the uterus: possible risks
Surgery to clean the uterus: how is it performed and what consequences does it have?
“I was cleaned” or “I was cleaned” - I often hear these phrases from my
Symptoms of the disease
Cysts on the cervix: treatment with folk remedies
The endocervix is ​​an epithelium that connects the uterus to the vagina, secreting mucus. The latter performs important functions:
Duphaston - hormonal or not?
Duphaston in the prevention and treatment of recurrent miscarriage. International conference of the Club of specialists on the problem of miscarriage Per Speculum
control of fertilization; growth of the corpus luteum; preparing the mammary glands for feeding function; preparing the shell
ectopic pregnancy
Is it dangerous to have black discharge after menstruation?
Normal menstrual flow is dark red in color and contains a small amount of clots, but sometimes girls
White discharge with a sour odor during pregnancy treatment
During pregnancy, many hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Most often women
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