What is endometritis
6 main differences between endometriosis and endometritis
What is endometritis Endometritis is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of pathogenic microbes entering the
What is ovarian atrophy in women and how to treat this disease
Ovarian wasting syndrome - treatment with folk remedies
The ovary is one of the paired glands of the woman’s body. Its task: the production of female sex hormones,
My period started a week early
Menstruation 10 days ahead of schedule: reasons for cycle failure
Why does your period come early? The reasons why your period starts a week earlier are varied.
Capsules for Women with Hog uterus and Red brush, Nugget of Russia, 180 caps., Sib-KruK
Unfortunately, at the moment, almost every 3rd family is faced with such a problem as
Tablets for menstrual irregularities
When to see a doctor Women of all ages often experience menstrual irregularities,
Blood test
Blood test for AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone): norms and interpretation of results
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is a substance that occupies a special place in the process of regulating reproductive function.
Ovarian adhesions: signs and clinical picture of the disease, basic treatment methods
Symptoms, causes and methods for eliminating adhesions on the ovaries Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. However
Polygynax - suppositories for thrush during menstruation and pregnancy
Local treatment for thrush is the most effective method of combating the disease. This is due to the gentle
Flora smear – coccal and bacillary infection
Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis develops when the normal ratio of microorganisms in the vagina is disrupted, which is clinically
talks about hysteroscopy
Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy of the uterus: what is it and how is it performed?
Often, in the process of diagnosing various gynecological diseases, doctors prescribe hysteroscopy. This is a minimally invasive method that allows
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