The use of propolis in the treatment of uterine fibroids
If the size of the fibroids is not too large and it does not progress, the use of propolis is allowed
Discharge At 37 Weeks Pregnant Yellow Discharge
Throughout the entire period of the “interesting situation,” the woman is faced with various types of discharge. Let's start with
Constipation during menopause in women: gastrointestinal tract disorders, diarrhea, prevention and treatment
Menopause through the eyes of a gastroenterologist - Elena Viktorovna, why is the onset of menopause perceived as a disease? What kind of trouble?
Why do my periods come at random?
The presence of a stable menstrual cycle in a woman indicates that her body is capable of conceiving
Hypotony and atony of the uterus in cows
Hypotony of the uterus is a condition in which there is a sharply reduced tone and
Corpus luteum in the ovary during pregnancy
Development and functions of the corpus luteum in the ovary during pregnancy
Many women do not always know and clearly imagine the processes that occur in their
How long after hysteroscopy can I do IVF after?
What it is? Hysteroscopy of the uterus is a method of instrumental operational diagnostic examination. It is made for
What skin problems can be caused by menopause?
Menopause and skin care: how menopause affects it, why rashes and pimples appear
What skin problems can be caused by menopause? Women are ready for what
Why is thick blood dangerous during pregnancy and how to thin it
Thick blood. Recipes for blood thinning Many people use aspirin to thin the blood, but few
Hormonal imbalance when taking birth control pills
It has long been no secret that taking hormonal contraceptives can have a whole list of negative consequences.
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