The internal os during pregnancy is funnel-shaped: what does such expansion mean, what is the norm, what to do?
Pregnancy, especially the first one, is a rather exciting process for every expectant mother. Screenings either help remove
is it possible to get pregnant with adhesions
Is it possible to get pregnant with adhesions in the uterus or tubes and how does pregnancy proceed?
Da!Zachatie Site about pregnancy, from planning to the birth of a child Popular Pregnancy by
How long does it take for Livarol to be eliminated? Directions for use, dosage
One of the most effective ways to combat thrush is Livarol suppositories. They belong to
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Pregnancy planning and Duphaston: corpus luteum phase
Da!Zachatie Site about pregnancy, from planning to the birth of a child Popular What you need
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Long, heavy periods during menopause: what to do?
The onset of menopause is a natural process associated with the decline of the reproductive functionality of the female body. Knowing this
Do you get disability when you remove the uterus?
Disability is given after surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries - all about social assistance in Russia 8 Hotline in the Russian Federation +7
We save ourselves from sweat with the help of special pads
Sweating is a problem that affects not only men but also women today. Arises
Pregnancy with dysplasia
Pregnancy after cauterization
Pregnancy with dysplasia Recently, you can often hear the statement that when creating certain
Why can the right or left side hurt before menstruation, what symptoms should alert you, what to do?
Why can the right or left side hurt before menstruation, what symptoms should alert you, what to do?
Pain is often a sign of pathologies of internal organs, which especially concerns discomfort in the abdomen or
Menstrual cup
Menstrual cup. We answer 14 important questions
Most women use pads or tampons during their periods. There are problems when using them
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