Purpose of the obstetric ring
Latest data on short cervix
Prescribing an obstetric ring After the 20th week of pregnancy, additional pressure occurs as a result of fetal growth
Causes of excess estrogen
Estrogen at zero? How to increase its level in the body to normal?
Hyperestrogenism or excess estrogen is a health condition characterized by excessive amounts of estrogen in the body
Clinical case: abdominal pregnancy with a live newborn
Ectopic pregnancy localized in the cervix is, fortunately, very rare. Attachment
At what period can a mini-abortion be performed: consequences, possible complications and prices
Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) – does the prefix “mini” really make the procedure safe?
Vacuum abortion or mini abortion is one of the methods of surgical termination of pregnancy, which
Blood from the genitals
How many days after an early miscarriage does blood flow (last) and how to stop the bleeding after cleaning
An early miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 13 weeks. At the same time, they reveal
Polyps during pregnancy: causes, symptoms and prevention
Endometrial polyp and pregnancy: diagnosis, risks, treatment
During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background undergoes significant changes. The immune status is partially reduced, changes
wash with chamomile for thrush
Washing with chamomile is beneficial. How to properly wash yourself with chamomile for thrush
Intimate hygiene largely determines women's health. And here are the old, proven “grandmother’s” remedies and
How to brew chamomile for douching against thrush
For thrush, this method of treatment, such as douching, is one of the most popular and effective.
Methods of treatment and diagnosis of nodular uterine fibroids
Nodular uterine fibroids are fairly common gynecological diseases that are more common in women
skin irritation
Postpartum pads – which ones to choose and how do they differ from regular pads?
Most pregnant women know that gynecologists or obstetricians at the maternity hospital where they are supposed to give birth give out a list of things
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