Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) – does the prefix “mini” really make the procedure safe?

Vacuum abortion or mini abortion is one of the methods of surgical termination of pregnancy, which is performed by suctioning the fetus with a vacuum suction. The scientific name for vacuum abortion is aspiration.

This surgical abortion can be considered one of the most gentle methods of ending a pregnancy. But a vacuum abortion can only be done in the early stages. It is not advisable to choose a mini-abortion at 3 weeks, since at such a short period a medicinal method will also be effective, which will eliminate any surgical efforts. The best time to terminate a pregnancy by aspiration is abortion (photo) at 4-5 weeks.

Conducting and cost of mini-abortion

Vacuum aspiration takes an average of two minutes.
Procedure steps:

  • The placenta and fertilized egg are pulled out through a catheter into a special collection using a vacuum suction-aspirator.
  • The completion of the procedure is determined by characteristic signs. In certain cases, a curettage procedure using a carriage is also used, which eliminates the risk that embryo particles will remain in the uterine cavity.
  • Next, the presence of all parts of the embryo is checked. They are also verified by the weight of the fetus at a characteristic date.
  • Upon completion of the operation, the patient is recommended to lie down for half an hour if the People's Commissar was local. If the procedure was carried out under general anesthesia, you need to rest for about two hours.

The price for vacuum aspiration in most clinics is 4900. In other clinics it varies around 5 thousand. The cost of a medical abortion depends entirely on the drug used, the price of which can range from 6,900 to 12,000.

When to expect your period

After a mini-abortion, a woman may experience vaginal discharge on the 2nd day. Hormonal changes in the body occur. As a rule, they will go no more than 7-10 days. Discharge may occur in combination with nagging pain in the lower abdomen. This pain is very similar to that experienced during menstruation. If the discharge lasts more than 10 days after the abortion and does not stop, then you should immediately go to the hospital.

Even after surgery, there is a risk of pregnancy. If there are subjective signs of pregnancy - swelling of the mammary glands, symptoms of toxicosis, then you should not put off going to the hospital.

Menstruation after a mini-abortion should be expected in 25-30 days. Possible failure of the menstrual schedule

At this time, it is important to think about reliable contraception to prevent re-conception.

Discharge after vacuum abortion

Discharge after an abortion is normal. They are associated with the restoration of the endometrium and the release of remnants of damaged tissue after the procedure. The first 1-2 days they are insignificant, spotting. After 3-5 days they increase in volume. Women compare them with menstrual ones. It is important to be able to distinguish such discharge from pathological ones, which may indicate uterine bleeding. With such a violation, the woman records:

  • the appearance of paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a sharp increase in the volume of discharge - the sanitary pad has to be changed hourly;
  • deterioration in general health – dizziness, nausea, vomiting, feeling of weakness;
  • increased heart rate.

How to do a mini abortion

During the procedure, the doctor can use both local and general anesthesia; the latter method is used extremely rarely. Most often, before vacuum aspiration, a woman is injected into the cervix with an anesthetic drug that minimizes pain and discomfort. After the drug begins to act, having expanded the uterus, the gynecologist, using cylindrical devices, sucks out the fertilized egg. The most unpleasant moment, according to women, is the opening of the cervical canal for insertion of the pump tube.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, embryo removal takes from 3 to 10 minutes. The shorter the pregnancy, the easier and faster the fertilized egg is removed. In most cases, if all the doctor’s recommendations are followed during the rehabilitation period, as well as the procedure is carried out correctly, the abortion takes place without complications: inflammatory processes do not develop, bleeding does not occur, and there is no perforation of the uterus.

During the procedure, the uterus begins to contract, but upon completion, the spasms stop and do not cause concern to the woman, so she can go home that day.

To exclude infection and inflammation of the uterus, the doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs. A woman can return to her usual rhythm of life the very next day. Compared to other more traumatic methods of abortion, vacuum aspiration has the following advantages:

  • the procedure can be performed immediately after pregnancy is confirmed;
  • mini abortion allows for histology of removed tissue from the uterus, which makes it possible to prevent further complications, as well as the development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • minimal risks of complications and damage to the uterus;
  • trauma to the walls of the uterus is minimal; during the procedure, the vessels of the organ are not damaged and remain intact;
  • does not harm reproductive function;
  • the procedure lasts on average 10-15 minutes;
  • efficiency more than 99%.

But, despite all the advantages of vacuum aspiration, this method has the only drawback - a mini-abortion is performed blindly, which does not provide a 100% guarantee of absolute termination of pregnancy. In 20 cases out of 1000, the embryo is not removed from the uterus and continues to develop. The experience of the specialist also plays a significant role, since an incorrectly performed procedure can cause a number of complications.

A mini abortion is more complex when compared to a medical abortion, but more gentle than a surgical abortion. It is worth remembering that vacuum aspiration is an intervention that in some cases can cause complications. If embryonic tissue is not completely removed, an inflammatory process may begin. Therefore, some time after the procedure, an ultrasound examination is required. If remnants of the fertilized egg are detected, a repeat procedure is prescribed.

How is the operation performed?

The procedure was based on the use of an electric vacuum pump to extract the contents of the uterus. Using a pump, uniform negative pressure is created in the uterus, as a result of which the fertilized egg is exfoliated and sucked out of it.

With vacuum aspiration of the fertilized egg, the vessels of the uterus are not damaged, and refusal to use metal dilators allows you to avoid cervical injuries. This means reducing the likelihood of developing cervical insufficiency, which can prevent you from bearing a child in the future.

Preparation period

Initially, the patient must undergo a consultation with her gynecologist, during which the decision to have an abortion is determined, the duration of pregnancy is clarified, and preliminary tests are prescribed.

Recommended list of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • hCG hormone level analysis;
  • smear on vaginal microflora;
  • Ultrasound;
  • blood clotting test;
  • polymer chain reaction analysis to detect diseases of the genital area;
  • RW;
  • blood test for HIV and hepatitis.

Based on the test results, contraindications to this procedure are excluded, and the patient’s health characteristics are clarified.

Carrying out the operation

After all preliminary measures have been carried out, vacuum aspiration is carried out directly. It is carried out in a medical facility, and after a few hours the woman has the opportunity to go home.

  1. You sit in a gynecological chair with your legs fixed in stirrups, almost like a regular examination.
  2. The inner walls of the vagina and the entrance are treated with an antiseptic solution.

If you have never given birth before, you will need to dilate your cervix using a metal dilator (inserted into the vagina) and one of the special medications

. For women who have already given birth, this stage is skipped.

  1. A local anesthetic is injected into the cervix.
  2. After this, a solid cannula (tube) is inserted into the uterus, and then a pressure of 0.5 atmospheres is created inside using an electric suction.
  3. Using a cannula, the doctor carefully circles all the walls of the uterus so that the oval hole on the instrument comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane. In this case, the fertilized egg is peeled off and pulled through a tube into a special container.

As uterine tissue is removed, it will contract (some experience cramping during the procedure). The spasms will decrease and stop after the tube is removed. Some patients may also experience nausea, sweating or weakness - these symptoms are within normal limits.

After an abortion

The entire procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. After the end of vacuum aspiration, the patient needs to rest for half an hour to several hours within the walls of the medical institution.

Your doctor will give you a prescribed course of antibiotics to prevent infection and pain medications in case of severe cramping pain. Try to devote the rest of the day to rest . You can return to normal activities the next day if no complications are observed.

2-3 weeks after termination of pregnancy, you need to see your doctor, take tests and undergo an ultrasound.

Preparing for a medical abortion

Medical abortion does not involve surgery or anesthesia, so no special physical preparation is needed. On the day of visiting the clinic, you should completely limit yourself to a light snack or come on an empty stomach. At least two hours should pass since the last meal, then the medicine will be better absorbed.

Pharmaceutical drugs rarely cause vomiting and dizziness. To keep the negative consequences to a minimum, it is recommended not to drink alcohol 2-3 days before the abortion and stop smoking on the day of the procedure.

A medical abortion is accompanied by noticeable abdominal cramps and heavy discharge, so it is worth planning your daily routine in advance and postponing physical activity for a while. Since it is not necessary to endure pain, it is worth stocking up on painkillers.

Spontaneous abortion

Such an abortion can occur without any intervention and against the woman’s wishes. Most experts believe that 14 to 18% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. About a third of pregnancies end in miscarriage before the woman even knows about her situation. Most miscarriages occur in the first three months of pregnancy and only 1% occur after the 20th week.

Miscarriages occur twice as often in women over 35 years of age. About 35% of miscarriages are caused by chromosome defects. The rest are mainly a medical problem: a weak cervix, uterine defects (double uterus), uterine infections (sexually transmitted diseases), fibroids, other various neoplasms, scar tissue (consequences of abortions and curettage), effects of radiation, poor diet, exposure to toxic substances on one of the parents, smoking, alcohol abuse and a number of medications (including hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices), hormonal disorders and problems with the immune system.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Thrush on the eve of embryo transfer

As a result of contraction of the uterus, a gradual detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterus occurs, and the blood vessels of the decidua are damaged. Bleeding occurs, which can be of varying intensity. Under the influence of contractions, the cervical canal of the uterus opens and the fertilized egg is expelled in whole or in parts. Sometimes uterine contractions are preceded by the death of the child (frozen pregnancy).

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

Women waiting for the day of the operation often ask doctors about how a vacuum abortion is performed. The procedure is low-painful, but is performed under local anesthesia. Carried out in an outpatient setting. The woman sits in a gynecological chair. The nurse is treating the external genitalia with an antiseptic solution. After this, the gynecologist inserts a spoon-shaped speculum into the vagina. The vaginal walls and cervix are also treated. Long, bullet-shaped forceps are used to grasp the neck to straighten its curve.

A plastic tube is connected to the device. Its diameter can be 5-12 mm. It is selected depending on the condition of the cervical canal. Without using a dilator, it is taken directly into the uterine cavity. By performing rotational and translational movements with the device, the fertilized egg is found. The cannula is completely transparent - the doctor controls what the device is suctioning. After the vacuum abortion is completed, the internal reproductive organs are reprocessed. A woman is recommended 40 minutes. is in a horizontal position, ice is placed on the lower abdomen.

Is it painful to have a vacuum abortion?

When deciding to have a vacuum abortion, whether it hurts is something a woman thinks about from the very beginning. The manipulation itself is performed under local anesthesia. After applying the forceps, the doctor injects an anesthetic into the vaginal walls. Licdocaine and Novocaine are used as such drugs. The dosage is calculated according to the expected duration of the procedure, which takes place quickly.

How long does a vacuum abortion last?

The duration of a procedure such as abortion, including vacuum aspiration, depends on the experience of the doctor and coordinated efforts to prepare the patient. It takes doctors 5 minutes to clean the uterine cavity using an aspirator. In this case, there is a need to monitor the patient after the manipulation - 1-2 hours. Within 3-4 hours, the woman can leave the medical facility and return to her normal life.

Sex and pregnancy after abortion

Sexual relations in a woman should be postponed until the uterus is completely healed. This requires 2-3 weeks. In the first 1.5 months, it is necessary to use contraception to protect against infection and prevent the development of pregnancy.

If after a vacuum abortion a woman takes a pregnancy test and it is positive, then the fertilized egg was not completely sucked out and the pregnancy persisted. The most dangerous thing is when pregnancy develops outside the uterus. For this reason, after performing aspiration, you must consult a specialist 14 days later.

Termination of pregnancy using the vacuum method is the safest of all existing methods of aspiration. After such manipulation, the woman’s body is subjected to minimal stress.

Possible complications and consequences

The most dangerous and formidable complication of abortion is uterine perforation. Perforation can be caused not only by a novice doctor, but also by an experienced surgeon, because the mini-abortion procedure is done blindly.

Incomplete abortion is also no less dangerous for the female body. That is, particles of the fertilized egg or placenta remain in the uterine cavity. This manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding.

As a result of incomplete contractility and spasm of the cervix, blood clots accumulate in the uterine cavity, this is called a hematometra. It is expressed by acute pain in the lower abdomen without bleeding.

This complication is manifested by the following symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting. The doctor will prescribe another vacuum aspiration procedure and treatment with special medications.

The pregnancy may turn out to be ectopic, and if the doctor is not convinced that the fetus is located in the womb, a mini-abortion will not bring any benefit. The ectopic pregnancy will continue to develop. Pain in the lower abdomen and pain during sexual intercourse are signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

The most dangerous consequence of abortion is infertility. According to statistics, 40-50% of women who terminate an unwanted pregnancy cannot have children. The long-term consequences of abortion are: menstrual irregularities, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids, and the development of endometriosis.


The word “abortion” refers to any termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks. Recently, in Russia, termination of pregnancy at more than 22 weeks is considered premature birth. Fetuses born during these periods must be nursed in equipped Perinatal Centers.

Any interruption means an operation not only at the request of the woman (artificial), but also spontaneous fetal loss, better known as miscarriage.

Induced abortions are also divided into:

  • Medication.
  • Vacuum mini-abortion.
  • Surgical.

Let us briefly describe each of them and take a closer look at what a vacuum abortion is.


The softest, most gentle, “velvet” abortion has been known in our country for more than 40 years. In the beginning, it was assumed that taking prostaglandins would be a miracle cure for ending an unplanned pregnancy. The antigestagens that replaced them turned out to be more effective (Mifepristone, Pencrofton). But the best effect was achieved by combining antigestagens with uterine contractions.

There are some disadvantages - high cost, as well as limited time for implementation (can be done up to 7 weeks).


Surgical abortion is recognized as a severe neurohormonal and mechanical injury. It also has several types:

  1. Artificial - at the request of the woman without specifying the reasons, made before 12 weeks. It is performed with preliminary expansion of the cervical canal and removal of the fertilized egg using a vacuum aspirator and a special round sharp knife - a curette.
  2. Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons. Can be completed at any time. The list of indications for termination is set out in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and implies that the woman has diseases that threaten her health and life during pregnancy prolongation or serious abnormalities in the child (developmental defects, hereditary, chromosomal abnormalities).
  3. Artificial abortion up to 22 weeks for social reasons. As a rule, they are sent if a girl became pregnant as a result of forced sexual intercourse, and a court decision was made to deprive her of parental rights. Indications for the operation are also imprisonment, disability, and even the death of the husband.

Many girls assume that by terminating a pregnancy, they can get rid of many problems. But some of them then cannot get pregnant for a long time (and sometimes their entire lives). And psychological trauma certainly remains.

Vacuum aspiration

Vacuum termination of pregnancy is performed in 2 options. In the first case, a vacuum abortion can be performed up to 21 days of missed period, that is, within a period of no more than 5 weeks. The second option is vacuum abortion up to 12 weeks with preliminary dilation of the cervical canal.

It’s worth talking about vacuum aspiration in more detail, because many girls undergo this operation.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Rehabilitation includes the use of drugs for external and internal use, selection of contraceptive methods to prevent new pregnancy.

Immediately after the operation, antibiotics are used, and then at home the woman should take oral contraceptives, which stabilize hormonal levels and protect against new conception. To prevent scarring of uterine tissue, massage or special preparations with proteolytic liquid are used.

Vacuum abortion, unlike surgical abortion, practically does not damage the blood vessels, so hemostatic drugs are rarely used.

Preparations for external use

In the absence of complications, three types of medications are used: suppositories or douching solutions, hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

In case of inflammatory processes and to eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis while taking antibiotics, suppositories are prescribed:

  1. Hexicon. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents bleeding, and shows antiseptic activity.
  2. Papaverine is an anesthetic suppository that eliminates spasms and pain.
  3. Products based on indomethacin. Prescribed if inflammation with fever occurs during the recovery period after an abortion.
  4. Terzhinan. Used both before and after surgery to prevent infection.

If therapy with antibacterial drugs is carried out, antifungal agents are simultaneously prescribed to prevent the development of candidiasis, for example Pimafucin.

For internal

After vacuum termination of pregnancy using the aspiration method, a woman may be prescribed:

  1. Hormonal drugs (OC). Stabilize hormonal levels and normalize the cycle. Preference is given to Regulon and Novinet. The course lasts on average from 5 to 7 days.
  2. Therapy with antibiotics and antifungals. Necessary to reduce the risk of complications. The most commonly used are Doxycycline, Metronidazole, and Fluconazole.
  3. Immunostimulants, vitamin complexes containing antioxidants. Increases immunity, reduces the duration of the recovery phase.

In addition to the main treatment, traditional medicine can be used. The most popular are suppositories based on honey, aloe, and herbal decoctions, which are inserted into the vagina after the bleeding has stopped.

A mini-abortion performed early is considered one of the most atraumatic ways to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. At the request of the woman, it is carried out until the 13th week at most. The use of the aspiration method virtually eliminates injury to the uterine endometrium and reduces the risk of infection, inflammation and bleeding.

Recovery after a mini-abortion

After the procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of hygiene to avoid introducing infection into the wound surface.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Ovitrel or pregnil which is better

To do this you need:

  • toilet the genitals at least two to three times a day;
  • wash only in the shower;
  • do not use tampons;
  • Choose pads with an average level of absorbency and change them every two to three hours;
  • refuse to take a bath for thirty days;
  • forget about saunas, steam rooms and baths;
  • do not visit pools and beaches for a month;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • limit consumption of chocolate, foreign fruits, seafood, etc.
  • carry out only daily exercises;
  • stop doing fitness and sports for two weeks;
  • cancel hours-long flights or long train journeys.

All this is required because after a mini-abortion, an open wound surface remains in the uterus, where pathogenic microflora can easily penetrate. It is necessary to keep the external genitalia clean, change pads more often, as they contribute to the spread of infection, and avoid significant stress on the body.

Bleeding that begins immediately after the procedure is suggested by some experts to be considered the first menstruation. Other gynecologists are of the opinion that full periods, which are part of the cycle, usually begin no earlier than a month later, and sometimes later, after a vacuum abortion.

The menstrual cycle resumes only after ninety days for those women who already have children and after six months for those who have not given birth.

The first menstruation, which began thirty to forty days later, is usually scanty. If they have not resumed, then after the allotted time it is necessary to take tests for hCG and the level of homones in the blood in order to determine their absence. The cause may be incomplete expulsion of the ovum or an ectopic pregnancy.

In cases where laboratory and instrumental studies do not reveal any pathologies, it is permissible to wait another couple of weeks.

As the most effective contraceptives after a mini-abortion, it is recommended to use low-dose COCs containing progestogen.

The best of them is Regulon. It suppresses ovulation, increases the concentration of mucus in the cervical canal, and also prevents the attachment of the egg to the inner surface of the uterus. Moreover, it helps the full restoration of the uterine epithelium after the procedure.

You should not immediately begin regular sexual activity after a vacuum abortion. The first intimate contact can be made no earlier than fifteen to twenty days. And even then, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse using a condom to avoid infection.

Of course, it is better to be careful when using contraception, of which there is a huge amount these days. However, if conception does occur, a mini-abortion is a very gentle procedure compared to a surgical one. If we compare different methods of abortion, it is preferable due to the least harm to the female body. And yet it should be remembered that even it disrupts the normal functioning of the sexual sphere, taking it out of its normal equilibrium state for a long time. Therefore, if a representative of the fair sex wants to become a mother, she needs to be more responsible about her daily sex life.

Sex life after abortion

After aspiration, bleeding always appears, which is caused by damage to the vessels of the mucous membrane when removing the fertilized egg. As a result, an aseptic inflammatory process occurs.

To restore the structure of the endometrium, a break is necessary, which will allow the cervix to close. You can begin full sexual activity no earlier than after 3–4 weeks. If there are complications and treatment is necessary, the break must be increased.

The first intimate intimacy requires accuracy from both partners. The process of mucosal restoration varies from woman to woman. It is the presence of bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms that determines from what week you can be sexually active.

What is a mini abortion?

Using a special instrument consisting of a vacuum pump and a handpiece, it creates negative pressure in the uterus. Thanks to this, it is possible to mechanically remove the fertilized egg and decidua from the uterine cavity.

The advantages of a mini abortion include:

  1. High performance. It is extremely rare that there is a need for repeated manipulation. As a rule, this happens if an incomplete abortion occurs.
  2. Low morbidity. Such an abortion is completely safe, since when the fertilized egg is removed, the cervical canal is not expanded with the help of dilators, and the uterine cavity does not come into contact with a sharp curette.
  3. Mini-abortion speed. If you do not take into account preliminary preparation, which includes examining the patient, then the duration of a vacuum abortion will be 20-30 minutes.
  4. Can be performed without general anesthesia.
  5. No heavy bleeding, quick recovery.

Disadvantages of mini-abortion:

  1. The operation is performed almost “blindly”, because the doctor cannot fully guarantee that a complete termination of pregnancy will occur. In 2 cases out of 100, the fertilized egg remains and continues to develop.
  2. If a mini-abortion was performed by an incompetent doctor, then there is a risk of complications, the most common of which is infertility.

Vacuum abortion - contraindications

Before authorizing and conducting a vacuum abortion, the timing of which is limited, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination of the patient. The need for this arises due to the fact that surgical termination of pregnancy, which includes mini-abortion, is not always permissible. Among the contraindications of the procedure:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • feverish condition;
  • infection in the body of any location;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disruption of the blood coagulation system;
  • Less than 6 months have passed since the last abortion.

Specific contraindications include:

  • period more than 5 weeks;
  • uterine tumor;
  • anomaly of the anatomy of the reproductive organ (bicornuate, saddle-shaped uterus).

Urgent termination of pregnancy immediately after conception

It is possible to terminate a pregnancy immediately after conception. That is, in the period from several hours to several days after sexual intercourse. To terminate a pregnancy, you need to take 2 tablets of the drug Postinor 12 hours apart. If suddenly after taking the second one there was vomiting, in this case it is allowed to take the third tablet.

The first tablet should be taken as soon as possible. The drug will be most effective within the first 24 hours after intimacy; the probability of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is 95%. If 24 to 48 hours have passed, then the success rate is 85%.

If 48 to 72 hours have passed since conception, then in this situation the probability of successful termination of pregnancy is 59%. The drug acts in such a way that, with the help of a group of medications, it suppresses fertilization and ovulation

It is important to know that taking postinor is allowed only once during one menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a vacuum abortion?

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration can occur already during the first menstrual cycle. The first day is considered to be the date of the manipulation. If there have been no previously reported disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, then conception can occur as early as 2 weeks after the abortion. Early gestation after the procedure is fraught with the development of complications of the pregnancy process, including:

  • spontaneous abortion;
  • intrauterine development disorder;
  • uterine bleeding.

Establishing the gestational age for abortion

In the recent past, a woman could determine the presence of pregnancy only by the conclusion of the results of a urine test, after a painful wait for several hours, and then the doctor announced this to her, since the results of the study were brought to his office.

Now everything is much simpler - there is an express testing method - strip testing. A woman’s reaction to the test result is ambiguous: two stripes, indicating the presence of pregnancy, cause either delight, or horror and stupor. In any case, for a certain time, your best friend and confidant will be a gynecologist. You will tell him about your plans, and he will advise what to do. He will tell you until what period abortion is considered safer. Briefly it looks like this:

  • in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 3 weeks), abortion is performed using medication and vacuum aspiration (3–6 weeks);
  • in late pregnancy, abortion is performed using curettage (up to 12 weeks) and hysterectomy (up to 22 weeks).

USEFUL INFORMATION: The process of fertilization of an egg

Let's take a closer look at each of these options.

Until when do they do it?

Manual vacuum aspiration is performed at a fairly early stage. Already from the second day of the delay, such minimally invasive intervention can be performed. Representatives of the World Health Organization claim that the period of vacuum abortion is not limited to 5 weeks of gestation. With specialized equipment, highly qualified specialists will be able to perform a mini-abortion for a gestation period of up to 15 weeks, however, additional expansion of the cervical canal will be required.

But if the vacuum abortion procedure is carried out at 10-15 weeks, then its consequences will be no less serious than after instrumental abortion. Therefore, debates regarding how long it is safe to make a mini-interruption continue among specialists today. In addition, there are not so many specialists who are ready to take on such a procedure and are able to carry it out at the highest level at a later date.

The most optimal time for a mini-abortion is 4-5 weeks of gestation. During this period, the embryo is still weakly attached to the uterine walls, so it is easily sucked out without any complications or adverse consequences in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of mini-abortion

When performing a vacuum abortion procedure, deep mechanical dilation of the uterus with metal bougies is not required. A thin plastic cannula is inserted into it and the cervical canal remains almost uninjured. And this is a big plus for the subsequent bearing of a child and the general health of a woman.

At a short stage of pregnancy, the egg is not deeply attached. Under the influence of a vacuum, it is easily separated from the wall without causing any damage to the walls of the uterus. Thanks to this fact, the body recovers quickly. The procedure itself takes no more than 10 minutes, if you do not take into account the preparatory stage.

Mini-abortion. How long does it take to do it? It should not exceed 6 weeks

A significant advantage of this procedure is that a couple of hours after the mini-abortion, the patient can already go home, and the very next day they will return to their normal rhythm of life. It is these advantages that make this type of abortion the safest. Vacuum abortion is almost 9 times safer when compared with surgical abortion.

But, despite such positive aspects of the procedure, it also has disadvantages. The most significant of them is that the procedure can be carried out at a very early stage. Up to approximately 21 days from the last menstrual period. The procedure itself involves the penetration of a foreign object into the uterine cavity, which somehow increases the risk of infection getting there from the vagina.

Also, in rare cases, after the procedure, the fetus or some of its particles may remain in the uterus. And subsequently, repeated cleaning will be required to prevent the possibility of inflammation or sepsis. In any case, this method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy remains the safest.


During a vacuum abortion, injury to the uterine wall with sharp metal instruments may occur - perforation of the uterus. A dilator, vacuum tip, or curette can perforate the uterus. In case of damage to internal organs and blood vessels, immediate entry into the abdominal cavity is required. Depending on the nature of the damage, the scope of surgical intervention is determined.

In the case of uncomplicated perforation without damage to organs and blood vessels, the woman remains under the supervision of a hospital doctor. She is prescribed antibiotics, acronyms, and local hypothermia.

Early complications after a vacuum mini-abortion:

  1. Hematometra.
  2. Progressive pregnancy.
  3. Incomplete abortion.

A hematometra is formed due to the fact that the cervical canal closes early. Blood with clots accumulates in the uterine cavity, it increases in size and takes on a spherical shape. This is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. The expansion of the canal and emptying of the cavity are indicated.

Progressive pregnancy can be confirmed with a control ultrasound. The danger of this complication is more often observed with a mini abortion.

Incomplete abortion means that during the vacuum abortion, parts of the fetus remained in the uterine cavity. They prevent the uterus from contracting to normal size, causing bleeding and cramping pain. Infection quickly sets in and endometritis occurs. Under the guise of antibiotics and detoxification therapy, it is necessary to remove everything that remains in the uterus.

Late complications:

  • Placental polyp.
  • Inflammatory diseases.

A placental polyp is formed when elements of the fertilized egg grow into the uterus and is manifested by bleeding from the genital tract. Treatment is surgical (curettage of the uterine cavity).

The danger of any abortion is the possibility of long-term complications. Expected consequences of mini-abortion:

  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Miscarriage due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Cervical dysplasia.
  • Atresia (fusion) of the cervical canal.
  • Secondary infertility.
  • Uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • During subsequent pregnancy, pathology of the placenta (previa, placental abruption).
  • Rh conflict (when a pregnant woman has Rh negative blood).

Many women are left with psycho-emotional trauma for a long time after an abortion.

The only real way to reduce the number of abortions is sex education, which should begin in school and in the family from adolescence in both sexes. Knowledge about physiology, sexual hygiene, and contraception is no less necessary than school curriculum subjects.

Married couples have every opportunity to plan a pregnancy.

Vacuum abortion - complications

This kind of phenomenon is due to the low qualifications of doctors performing vacuum abortion and lack of experience. Common complications include:

  1. Perforation or disruption of the integrity of the uterine wall.
    May occur when using a probe. Accompanied by bleeding, which intensifies over time. After the cessation of anesthesia, the woman feels a dagger pain.
  2. Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.
    Develops 3-5 days after it occurs. Associated with violation of aseptic rules, lack of a complete preliminary examination, non-compliance with doctor’s instructions in the postpartum period.
  3. Disruption of the hormonal system.
    It is observed more often in nulliparous women. Caused by restructuring after abrupt termination of pregnancy. Accompanied by ovarian dysfunction, which manifests itself in menstrual irregularities.
  4. Incomplete removal of fetal tissue.
    The possibility of such a phenomenon is always present. This can lead to the development of inflammation, bleeding, placental polyp, which requires curettage of the uterine cavity.
  5. Progressive pregnancy.
    It is noted when the fertilized egg does not separate from the wall after the procedure, which leads to further development of gestation.
  6. Hematometra.
    This is a disorder in which the cervical canal is blocked by a blood clot. As a result, there is an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity. In this case, doctors resort to widening the canal followed by cleaning.

Indications and contraindications

The most fundamental indication for an abortion procedure is the woman’s readiness for an abortion. Also, if the period is acceptable, this procedure is used for frozen pregnancy or anembryonics. Vacuum abortion is performed if carrying a fetus puts the woman’s life and health at risk.

Indications include various infectious diseases suffered during pregnancy (rubella, influenza). Social aspects can also become indicators for a mini-abortion: being in prison, having a disability, rape or the death of a husband during pregnancy.

Using vacuum aspiration, particles of the fertilized egg remaining from a surgical abortion are removed. This procedure is used when placental particles are retained following a cesarean section or childbirth. Failure of the menstrual cycle, accumulation of blood or serous fluid in the uterus, incomplete spontaneous abortion, these are a number of situations in which this type of mini-abortion is the best assistant.

Vacuum abortion - indications

The manipulation is carried out using an electric suction. The device creates pressure in the uterine cavity, extracting its contents, the fertilized egg, out. The purpose of the procedure is determined by the desire of the woman herself. But it can also be carried out in case of violations, including:

  • pregnancy fading;
  • anembryony – absence of an embryo in the formed fertilized egg;
  • concomitant diseases during gestation that pose a threat to a woman’s health (liver and kidney diseases, malignant neoplasms);
  • termination of gestation for social reasons (sexual violence, imprisonment).

It is worth noting that vacuum aspiration can be prescribed in gynecology and for preventive purposes. Doctors resort to its use when:

  • the need for endometrial biopsy;
  • elimination of remnants of the fertilized egg after medical abortion;
  • retention of parts of the placenta after delivery has occurred;
  • accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity - hematometer;
  • incomplete spontaneous abortion.

Vacuum aspiration for frozen pregnancy

In case of such a violation, vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is a mandatory procedure that is performed on an emergency basis. The urgency is caused by the fact that the tissues of the fetus begin to deteriorate over time, creating a favorable environment for the development of infection or inflammatory process. Manipulation reduces the risk of injury to blood vessels and damage to the deep layer of the endometrium, which often occurs during curettage.

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