girl at the doctor
Why is pregnancy discharge curdled in the early and late stages?
During pregnancy, hormonal levels change dramatically. Such a global restructuring affects the work of everyone
Libido in women during menopause: how to regain desire?
Sex is a natural and integral part of any woman’s life. Full sexual intercourse with
Duphaston when planning pregnancy - important rules for taking the drug
I took Duphaston and I don’t have my period, what should I do?
There comes a time in every family when it decides to have offspring. For the birth of a little life
About the reasons for the shortening of the menstrual cycle
Premenopause and menstruation Menopause is the period in a woman’s life when her
Causes of bleeding between periods
Scanty spotting or heavier bleeding between periods is one of the common complaints
Vaginal candidiasis
Modern ideas about the treatment of urogenital candidiasis
Causes of development of vaginal candidiasis The main etiological factor in the development of vulvovaginal candidiasis is infectious inflammation caused by
Pulling in the lower back after menstruation, could there be pregnancy?
Causes of lower back pain after menstruation If to moderate abdominal pain during
Hormonal tests when planning IVF (20-23 days of the cycle)
Female sex hormones A woman's hormonal system is quite complex. Violation of one of its sections is negative
Use of triderm for herpes: when treatment is prescribed
Triderm for thrush in men is an “ambulance” for relieving the symptoms of the disease caused by
Can there be asymptomatic thrush in men and women and how to correctly determine its appearance if there is no burning or itching
A disease called candidiasis or thrush today occurs in almost every second woman in the world.
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