Cancellation of Yarina side effects
Yarina is deservedly considered one of the best contraceptives today. The drug is not only effective
Temperature after curettage. Can there be a temperature after curettage? Why does there be a temperature after curettage of a frozen pregnancy?
Sometimes a pregnancy has to be terminated. This occurs at the request of the woman, due to medical or
Cause of non-dilation of the cervix 6
Dilatation of the cervix before childbirth
How does the cervix change during pregnancy? During the process of bearing a child, this organ experiences
hormonal patch for menopause
Hormonal patch for menopause: effects, rules of use
Today, pharmaceuticals offer women various means of eliminating menopausal symptoms. You can buy hormonal hormones in pharmacies
My period lasted for three days and ended, could I be pregnant?
Causes and consequences of short periods of 1-3 days The menstrual cycle is an important indicator of female
Does utrogestan help with shortening the cervix?
Why is Utrozhestan prescribed to pregnant women? The successful course of pregnancy largely depends on sufficient levels of progesterone
Which side is the uterus on during pregnancy?
Changes in the uterus after conception After fertilization has occurred and the embryo has attached to the mucous membrane
Raspberry leaves and fruits contain hormone-like substances that may be beneficial for PMS.
Body swelling during ovulation
Where and what kind of swelling occurs? Swelling may occur only in the extremities or throughout
Is it possible to use pimafucin suppositories during menstruation?
Thrush is a disease that causes vaginal itching and dryness. The causative agents of the disease are considered to be fungi of the genus
Tummy areas
After a medical termination of pregnancy, my stomach hurts a week later
After a medical termination of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts - a symptom considered normal. Reason for contacting
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