Red non-menstrual discharge in girls and the reasons for their appearance
Sometimes, before the onset of menstruation, unpleasant spots appear on the underwear; they may be white,
Abdominal massage
Is it possible to do visceral massage for uterine fibroids?
Condition of nodes in fibroids and abdominal massage Abdominal massage - photo Is it possible to do
How many days before ovulation can you get pregnant: probability of conception in 2, 4, 5, 6 days
When is conception possible? Misunderstandings and questions usually arise because there are some
How to douche with hydrogen peroxide for thrush?
Professor Neumyvakin I.P. recommends using hydrogen peroxide against gynecological diseases such as thrush
a teenager's period
How to quickly induce your first period without harm to the body
The first menstruation usually occurs at 10-15 years of age. Earlier or later periods are considered
Tumor and cyst
Can an ovarian cyst develop into cancer - a detailed explanation of the physiological processes
Diseases of the reproductive system are quite common in women. Of these, the most common diseases are:
Pimple on the cervix - causes and treatment
The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus; inside it is the cervical canal. One of his
The menstrual cycle is normal
Heavy periods after stopping birth control pills: why did menstruation start, what to do?
Menstruation after stopping birth control pills: possible problems Changes in a woman’s body can be caused
Douching with urine for thrush reviews
Among the recipes in the fight against various ailments, many are based on the healing properties of the liquid, which
what does hyperplasia look like?
Treatment of glandular endometrial hyperplasia with Duphaston
Endometritis is a hormonal disease that is characterized by inflammation of the inner uterus (endometrium). Exactly at
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