On what day after menstruation can you take a smear test?
Is it possible to have a smear test during menstruation? No one wants to visit a gynecologist
Strong tea
Before menstruation, severe headache and high blood pressure
Women rarely experience menstruation without symptoms. Most of the fair sex are waiting with fear
Birth control pills
How does taking oral contraceptives affect menstruation?
Oral contraceptives are widely used among women to prevent unwanted pregnancy. They affect hormonal
woman at a doctor's appointment
Is it worth getting your nails done during your period and which ones to choose?
Durability of the coating during menstruation When visiting a beauty salon, clients are often afraid that menstrual flow will worsen
Short menstrual cycle: what are the reasons?
The menstrual cycle is an indicator of women's health. When the cycle is regular and without any unusual
The drug "Ditsinon": what kind of bleeding it will help to cope with, analogues and reviews
Normally, the volume of menstrual blood loss should not exceed 70-100 ml during the entire period of critical periods.
Reasons for delay and increase in body temperature up to 37
Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature observed when a person sleeps. Having received the indicators
It hurts to insert tampons: reasons, ways to avoid discomfort and advice from gynecologists
Why it hurts to insert a tampon and pull it out: the main reasons
10.28.2020 Alena Masheva Health What to do if inserting tampons hurts? During their use
White discharge in women when taking contraceptives
Discharge when taking birth control pills Discharge when taking birth control pills is not always a sign
breastfeeding and menstruation
Menstruation and breastfeeding - is it possible to breastfeed?
After childbirth, the body adjusts to feeding the baby. Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, it is formed
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