When will your period start after removal of uterine fibroids?
When does cycle restoration occur? The operation is indicated for large tumors. It is also held
menstruation during breastfeeding
Menstruation during and after breastfeeding: delay, irregular menstruation
The period of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth entails large-scale changes that affect almost the entire body in women.
Delayed menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen radiates to the anus
Most often, women during the period of regulation suffer from pain in the lower abdomen and in the area
Honey tampons in gynecology
Honey tampons in gynecology for the treatment of diseases
Every woman experiences gynecological diseases in her life. Not all of them can be successfully treated.
How much blood does a woman lose during a caesarean section?
Hematometra after cesarean section is a retention of blood in the uterus. It appears when there is an obstacle on
stomach pain
Why can your stomach hurt before your period and how can you relieve the pain?
Many representatives of the fairer sex experience pain due to premenstrual syndrome. This may be a consequence
“These days” or irritable man syndrome: “Hey guys, are you having PMS?”
10 things a man should know about female hormones
Health It’s no secret that a woman’s behavior and mood are greatly influenced by
woman with test
My period has passed, but my chest hurts: what is the reason?
Causes of pain and swelling of the breasts after menstruation Swollen breasts during a certain period of a woman’s life
ICD code 10 oligomenorrhea
Types of oligomenorrhea Oligomenorrhea differs into primary and secondary forms, each of them is characterized by
Vaginal discharge - when should you worry?
One of the most common reasons why women turn to a gynecologist is the appearance of discharge.
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