Menstrual irregularities
Non-hormonal drugs for menstrual irregularities
Menstrual cycle disorders are clearly manifested. The main symptom is delays or, conversely, premature onset of menstruation.
Remens for menopause: reviews from women and features of the drug
Almost every woman who has experienced menopause or has just approached its threshold,
Causes of excess estrogen
Estrogen at zero? How to increase its level in the body to normal?
Hyperestrogenism or excess estrogen is a health condition characterized by excessive amounts of estrogen in the body
Hormonal imbalance in women over 40 years of age
Causes of hormonal imbalance in women. How it manifests itself, treatment with folk remedies, drugs
Most women after 40 years begin to feel bad, their mood changes sharply, sometimes they want to
The benefits of Progesterone injections for menstruation and during pregnancy
Progesterone is a hormone of the corpus luteum, which begins to be actively produced immediately after cell ovulation
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How to lose weight for a woman during menopause: what to do if you have gained a lot of weight during menopause?
The culprit is a change in the balance of sex hormones, which begins after 45 years. At that time
Urine leakage during pregnancy
Causes of urine leakage in women. Why do men leak urine in drops after urinating?
Prolapse of the walls of the pelvic organs in women can be observed even after normal childbirth, which is explained by
woman has a headache
Causes and symptoms of dizziness during menopause
Causes The causes of this condition can be either physiological or pathological. Doctors strongly advise against
When does menopause begin and how to delay menopause
We can talk about the onset of menopause (climacteric syndrome, menopause) when a woman does not have menstruation in
The hormone estrogen in women. Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth.
Herbs and foods with estrogen. Table, list, how to use, recipes for decoctions
The hormone estrogen in women. Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth. A woman always wants
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