at a gynecology appointment
Is it possible to take hormones for uterine fibroids during menopause?
Myoma during menopause is a benign formation in the myometrium (uterine muscles). To prevent its occurrence
Insomnia during menopause – normal or pathological?
With the onset of menopause, significant changes occur in a woman’s body that affect her health,
Woman suffering from menopause
Manifestations of menopause: impaired appetite control in women after 45
General description of the disease Menopause is the period of transition from the reproductive state of a woman to menopause
Why do you want to sleep during your period and what to do to overcome drowsiness
Causes of drowsiness during menstruation The main reasons why you feel sleepy during menstruation are:
Duphaston reception
Do heavy periods occur after taking Duphaston?
In some cases, a woman taking hormonal drugs is accompanied by menstrual irregularities. One of them
How to increase estrogen?
What are the benefits of plant estrogens for the body?
The hormone estrogen plays an important role in a woman's body. Although this is precisely a female hormone, it
Frautest for menopause: instructions, reviews
Test for determining menopause Frautest in Severny (Moscow)
The approach of menopause is characterized by certain signs. They can be very vague and not always
Reduced body temperature in adults and children, during colds, menopause in women, during pregnancy. Causes and treatment
Can the temperature rise during menopause? Menopause is one of the difficult life stages of
Uterine disease
Tablets for uterine bleeding with uterine fibroids
Myoma is a benign neoplasm that worsens a woman’s well-being and often leads to the development
Vitamins for artificial menopause 1
How does immunity decrease during menopause, and what causes frequent colds during menopause?
What drugs are indicated during menopause? Any woman who has reached the age of 40-45 years begins
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