Desired pregnancy: 7 ways for successful conception

Visceral massage for infertility will help restore the female reproductive system, solve gynecological problems and improve blood flow. Abdominal massage is one of the effective techniques. The term visceral is literally translated from Latin as “visceral.” Working out the internal organs of the small pelvis helps you forget about the problems of infertility.

Visceral impact will help solve the problem of infertility

Indications for the procedure

Infertility develops due to various reasons. Gynecologists identify the following common factors of infertility:

  • congenital and acquired pathologies of the uterus, for example, structural anomalies, benign tumors, inflammation;
  • tubo-peritoneal, usually resulting from adhesions and dysfunction of paired canals;
  • genetic, caused by chromosomal defects;
  • immunological, appearing in response to the formation of antisperm antibodies in male and female bodies;
  • endocrine, implying a disorder of the functioning of the glands.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of infertility and may include surgical and medicinal techniques. Basic treatment is often complemented by physiotherapeutic techniques. The success of therapy is often achieved through abdominal massage, which has several varieties.

Abdominal massage is recommended by a doctor after an examination and analysis of its results. The technique has several main advantages. Abdominal massage allows you to normalize adequate blood circulation in organs and tissues. In case of anomalies in the location of the uterus, tactics allow you to restore the correct localization of the organ.

Important! Abdominal massage has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Gynecologists identify the main indications for which it is advisable to carry out treatment using the technique.

Abdominal massage is recommended for the following pathological conditions:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • adhesions and postoperative scars;
  • congestion;
  • cycle disorders;
  • painful periods.

Tactics is a therapeutic procedure and is carried out strictly according to indications. Before using it, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Where to contact?

Where should you go for this medical procedure and can it be done in a cosmetologist’s salon? To answer this question, we suggest asking how the internal organs are fixed in the abdominal cavity. This is done due to the mesentery and connective tissue. The intestinal loops are, in principle, not fixed and can move relative to their permanent position clockwise and counterclockwise. The liver, spleen, stomach and pancreas are fixed by connective tissue. But with careless physical influence, their transformation and dislocation can occur. This has an extremely negative impact on their functioning in the future.

Damage to the gallbladder, provoking volvulus or intussusception of intestinal loops can be achieved by palpation through the anterior abdominal wall.

The more the patient’s abdominal muscle tone is reduced, the more defenseless and vulnerable his abdominal organs are to the unprofessional actions of a massage therapist who does not have a medical education and does not have basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

The most common negative consequences of a detailed procedure performed in a beauty salon by a self-taught “massage therapist” are:

  • rotation of the gallbladder and disruption of the outflow of bile;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • spasm of the common bile duct, as a result of which stagnation of gastric juice begins in the pancreas, acute pancreatitis or pancreatic necrosis develops;
  • intestinal motility is disrupted, which can lead to increased gas formation, flatulence, spastic or atonic constipation;
  • lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • the rate of evacuation of food from the stomach cavity decreases;
  • Various types of bladder dysfunction occur (incontinence, hyperactivity, etc.).

In our manual therapy clinic, patients can undergo different types of abdominal massage - all of them are performed by massage therapists with medical education, work experience, and who have completed special professional training courses. Before undergoing a procedure, each patient visits a chiropractor free of charge. During a consultation with a doctor, possible contraindications are identified, various side effects are excluded, etc.

The effectiveness of massage for infertility

Abdominal massage complements the main treatment, which can be either conservative or surgical. For women, doctors usually recommend gynecological massage, which is highly effective. It helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and restore the cycle.

Attention! Before the sessions, it is necessary to perform a general smear. If inflammation is present, gynecological massage may be contraindicated.

Treatment using massage will be effective for the following disorders:

  • infertility of various origins;
  • algodismenorrhea, amenorrhea, dyspareunia;
  • change in cycle duration;
  • weak tone of the uterine muscles and ligaments;
  • bending, prolapse and displacement of the uterus;
  • scars, adhesions;
  • vaginismus, anorgasmia and decreased libido;
  • inflammatory diseases that progress in a chronic form.

Abdominal massage improves the functioning of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system and eliminates infertility through various techniques. The impact can be provided by stroking, rubbing and kneading.

Massage of a woman's body for conception (to get pregnant)

Infertility is one of the main reasons that destroys modern marriage. In half of the cases, the problem occurs in women. Therefore, the treatment of this pathological condition is an important task for specialists.

Help, if it is impossible to conceive a child, consists of an integrated approach that combines medication, physiotherapeutic treatment and uterine massage.

The special technique is known as an auxiliary healing method, which has proven itself to be a good remedy for gynecological pathology.

Basic actions of the method

Massage of the uterus for conception allows a woman to get rid of many diseases. When the technique is performed correctly, the following positive effects are observed:

  1. Increased muscle tone.
  2. Reducing congestion in the pelvic organs by improving blood circulation.
  3. Increasing regenerative capabilities after surgical operations.
  4. Reducing the likelihood of formation of adhesions and scars.
  5. Formation of the normal functional position of the uterus.
  6. Restoring hormonal balance.
  7. Improving the functioning of the genitourinary system and other organs.
  8. Normalization of metabolism.
  9. Strengthening the body's defenses.
  10. Reducing pain during menstruation.

The procedure has a beneficial effect not only on physiological processes. After the session, an improvement in the psycho-emotional background is noted. Representatives of the fair sex note a decrease in anxiety, irritability, increased libido and improved sensuality. When treating infertility, the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy significantly increase.

Important! The duration of the massage and the number of procedures are selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition.

How effective is the procedure?

Gynecological massage of the uterus is an effective and painless way to eliminate congestion in the reproductive organs by stimulating lymphatic drainage and increasing blood circulation. Women note that after a course of procedures, their general condition significantly improves, algodismenorrhea disappears, the functioning of the intestines and ovaries is stabilized, and the cycle is restored.

The most common improvements recorded as a result of massage are:

  • elimination of congestion in the reproductive organs;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • acceleration of tissue metabolism and improvement of blood properties;
  • reduction of the rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • normalization of urinary functions;
  • reduction of adhesions and scar changes.

Who should carry out the procedure

A gynecological massage session is performed by a gynecologist as part of an outpatient appointment. Abdominal massage is performed by a specialist massage therapist. An andrologist treats infertility in men.

The organs and abdominal area are massaged without pressure. The procedure should not be accompanied by pain. The process is strictly controlled by a specialist who monitors the patient’s condition.

The session is carried out on a massage table or gynecological chair. All actions are performed with both hands painlessly and accurately. The areas of the urethra and clitoris are not affected. The patient should sit comfortably and relax as much as possible.

Warning! The specialist should indicate possible complications after treatment. If there are signs of an acute inflammatory process, the session is not performed during menstruation.

The duration of treatment varies and depends on the patient's medical history. The first session takes from 3 minutes. Gradually, the duration of the abdominal massage increases to 15–20 minutes. If there are indications for abdominal massage, the procedure is performed in courses that last 3 weeks.

Advice! 2 courses should be conducted annually.

Massage technique

Visceral massage is prescribed during ovulation. A couple of hours before the session, it is necessary to completely cleanse the intestines and empty the bladder. The specialist’s technique should not cause unpleasant or painful sensations. During the course of treatment, women are asked to refrain from planning a pregnancy to avoid miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

The muscles need to be relaxed. Gynecological massage is not much different from other types. Performed with hands in the lower abdomen. Parts of the body and organs that are limited in movement are massaged. Various techniques are used: rubbing the skin, vibration, pressure on certain areas and stroking.

Special oils can be used to enhance the effect. Gynecological massage for women is prescribed individually, the course of treatment is adjusted by a specialist.

Massage oils can enhance the effect of the procedure

Uterine massage for infertility

During the session, the impact is directed to the uterus. The purpose of the procedure is to improve blood supply to the pelvic area, which is located in the lower abdomen. The manipulation also includes massaging the ovaries. If there is an adhesive process, massage helps to stretch the cords.

The position occupied by a woman depends on the specific massage technique:

  • lying position;
  • knee-elbow pose.

The inside of the vagina is massaged with the right hand, and the abdominal wall from the outside with the left. Impact on the uterus through abdominal massage increases libido and eliminates pain. The procedure is recommended for the treatment of infertility caused by uterine factor.

When treating infertility, you can use self-massage techniques:

  1. In a lying position, bend your legs. Using light pressure, move from the pubis to the uterus from top to bottom and vice versa several times, holding for 10 seconds.
  2. Apply massage cream or oil to your hands. Determine the location of the uterus by connecting the thumbs and index fingers in the shape of a triangle and placing them on the pubis. Gently press down on the triangle from above. The movements must be combined with deep breaths. The self-massage ends with working out the pelvic floor in the form of circular movements.

Warning! The self-massage technique for infertility is not used during menstrual periods or ovulation. Lactation, pregnancy, and the postpartum period are considered contraindications.

How many sessions will be required?

Another popular question about the effect of cupping is how many sessions will be required to obtain a sustainable result. This depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Another important point is to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Our manual therapy clinic takes a holistic approach. Everyone who signs up for a massage receives the right to a free consultation with a chiropractor. This doctor gets to know the patient’s condition and gives him recommendations on how to quickly and effectively remove existing problems. Among the recommendations:

  • proper nutrition and development of a daily diet;
  • performing a simple set of gymnastic exercises to maintain sufficient muscle tone in the abdominal muscles;
  • proper organization of your sleeping and working space;
  • selection of clothes that provide a comfortable condition for the skin;
  • treatment of identified pathologies and much more.

If the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the recovery process goes very quickly and gives a lasting positive result.

The more often vacuum massage courses are conducted, the fewer sessions are needed to maintain the previously achieved result. The most difficult thing is the first time, when the doctor and massage therapist are faced with the most important task - to restore the disturbed process of microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, improve metabolism, start metabolism and eliminate the possibility of a re-increase in abdominal volume.

Is it possible to undergo this medical procedure once and then maintain physical fitness at home? Yes, if you are ready to perform a series of exercises daily to improve the tone of your abdominal muscles. If not, then we recommend resorting to this procedure at least 2 times a year. Within six months, the metabolic process slows down, microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid is disrupted, edema syndrome forms and the previous body volumes gradually begin to return.

Acupressure for infertility in women

Abdominal massage performed using this technique also allows you to diagnose painful points. Pain syndrome may indicate tension in the pelvic peritoneum, extensive adhesions and inflammation.

The acupressure method complements the treatment of infertility and is carried out with the aim of:

  • improving the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the pelvis.

When massaging the abdomen in women, the main points are used to treat infertility:

  1. Zhongzi. The point is located on the stomach, below the navel. You can find it by stepping back 13 cm from the abdominal line in the middle. Impact on the point allows you to relieve pain. Massaging the abdominal area has a positive effect on the functioning of the internal genital organs.
  2. Guan-yuan. The point of influence is located 10 cm below the navel. If you massage the abdomen in this area, you can improve the functions of the uterus and restore the cycle.

Experts in alternative treatment claim that the so-called conception meridian is located from the chin to the perineum. It is not recommended to wear tight belts around the waist or scarves around the neck, which prevent the free movement of energy. Metal chains can create energy jams that divide the meridian into several sectors.

In case of infertility, it is worth influencing several points to restore hormonal levels, eliminate inflammation, and improve blood supply:

  1. The point of the womb and important organs is located symmetrically. To determine it, you need to step back 2 fingers to the left and right from the sacrum at the base of the buttocks and the upper part of the pelvic bone.
  2. The intersection point of the three units is located in the area of ​​the inner surface of the legs at a height of 2 palms from the feet.
  3. The point on the sole, called grandfather-grandson, is symmetrical. It is localized under the thumb, if you count one palm as a distance.

The area above the collarbones, lumbosacral spine and neck includes many active points. Massaging them regulates the activity of the endocrine system.

Stimulation of the uterus and tubes is achieved by massaging the triangular fossa, which is located in the upper inner part of the ear. It is also useful to influence the point during stress.

The point in the inner ear recess, which is located between the two cartilages from below, has a beneficial effect on the ovaries. The notch can be massaged daily.

Experts note that a significant number of active points are massaged in the abdominal area. During the session, the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, uterus, ovaries and tubes is corrected, which helps eliminate infertility.

Attention! For massaging, you can use the fingertips of both hands, as well as a small rubber hammer. The pressure on the points should be optimal.

Can you really get pregnant by massaging your belly?

According to the story of a massage therapist with 30 years of experience, for many years of her work she encountered various health problems with patients. In every case, she tried to help them. The medical worker is filled with the most extraordinary cases that she wants to talk about. And although gynecologists do not consider this a miraculous recovery, it seems to the massage therapist that there was a miracle involved.

A 42-year-old woman came for a general massage procedure, which she regularly receives, which consists of a massage of the back, arms, legs and abdomen. The woman has an adult son born from early birth. When she wanted to have a second child, she didn’t succeed. After trying to get pregnant multiple times, she lost hope of becoming a mother for the second time.

The most amazing thing is that after repeated examinations, doctors could not find a single reason why she could not have a child. Her and her husband's health was fine, but they could not conceive a baby.

About a month and a half passed after the course of therapeutic massage. The woman called the masseuse and said that for some reason she was not feeling well. Having then consulted a doctor and undergone an examination, the client learned that she was expecting a child. Her joy knew no bounds, everyone congratulated her, but no one attached much importance to this.

Classic massage›klassicheskij-massazh/ Classic massage, which in some countries is called Swedish, is popular and in demand in Western countries.

Massage for male infertility

Treatment for infertility in men often includes massage of the abdomen and testicles. The paired sexual organ provides the production of steroids and sperm.

The purposes of massage, including the abdomen, for men:

  • increased testosterone production;
  • improving sperm quality, for example, the motility of male germ cells;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The preparatory stage includes wrapping the testicles with a warm towel. The manipulation relaxes the muscles and allows you to proceed directly to the massage session using various tactics:

  1. Light massaging is done using your thumbs. The patient should not experience pain during the session.
  2. The specialist taps the testicles, controlling the intensity of the pressure.

Important! The testicles are very sensitive to external influences. Massage should be neat and gentle. The appearance of pain indicates the need to reduce the intensity of movements.

Getting rid of men's problems

One of the most common causes of infertility among the stronger sex is prostate disease. Men are offered a course of prostate massage. The technique of performing the procedure is effective, which has long been proven by practice.

To prevent and improve the performance of the testicles, it is worth performing massage procedures for the scrotum. The testicles are the main organ responsible for sperm quality. Massage increases its quantity and quality, improves blood flow and long-lasting erection. The technique and movements are accessible to everyone; the services of a specialist are not required to conduct the course.

Impact on the prostate is effective for male infertility

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the numerous positive effects observed with abdominal massage, there are contraindications to the use of the method.

Massaging the internal genital organs can cause harm and aggravate infertility in the following cases:

  • erosion of the uterine cervix;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the uterus, ovaries, cervix;
  • inflammatory process in the acute phase;
  • elevated temperature due to acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious processes;
  • diseases of the lower intestinal segments;
  • some congenital anomalies of the structure and location of the uterus.

Abdominal massage is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Features of the early postpartum period, as well as critical days, are considered contraindications to sessions.

The abdominal massage procedure must be interrupted if pain or bleeding occurs. Sometimes soreness may occur several hours or days after the session. In this case, you should inform your doctor.

Remove belly fat after childbirth

Vacuum abdominal massage after childbirth helps remove excess volume, tighten the skin and restore lost tone. Why does the anterior abdominal wall feel stretched after pregnancy?

  1. the structure of the abdominal muscles changes; after childbirth they undergo degeneration in order to reduce their mass (if you do not pay proper attention to them, degenerative processes will lead to flabbiness and the inability to support the abdominal organs, a feeling of looseness and stretchiness will appear);
  2. with an increase in the volume of the abdomen during pregnancy, there is a gradual increase in the area of ​​the skin; with a deficiency of capillary circulation, stretch marks or stretch marks may occur; after childbirth, the skin is not always able to tighten itself and restore its tone;
  3. with hormonal changes characteristic of the period of bearing a child, collagen synthesis is disrupted (this substance is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin), therefore, during the recovery process, the amount of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer can significantly increase;
  4. the pressure of the fetus and the growing uterus slows down the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid, vascular problems persist even after childbirth - stagnation of fluid occurs and its penetration into fat cells, due to which the volume of the abdomen increases.

Vacuum abdominal massage for weight loss after pregnancy and childbirth can be performed after complete recovery of the body. This usually happens within 2-3 months. Before the procedure, we recommend visiting a gynecologist to eliminate unwanted consequences. In our manual therapy clinic, patients are allowed to undergo procedures only after attending a free consultation with a chiropractor. This doctor will identify contraindications, if any, and prescribe the appropriate course of massage. This will allow you to achieve the desired result in less time.

How does gynecological massage occur?

The most important goal of this massage is, of course, to achieve results for the woman’s further pregnancy. Many diseases of the reproductive system, due to which women cannot become pregnant, can be treated with this type of massage. The use of this massage will benefit those who have had abortions or other types of operations of the reproductive system.

This massage is very useful, especially if the doctor has the necessary skills. This type of massage strengthens the muscular system, heals scars. After performing massage procedures, the menstrual cycle is restored quite quickly. Before using a massage, you must take tests and find out the result.

Photo: Gynecological massage

Massage techniques and techniques

Massage sessions for female infertility can be carried out in a clinic or at home. If the procedure takes place in a hospital, a gynecological chair is used. Before the session, you need to calm down, restore deep and even breathing, relax the abdominal and vaginal muscles.

The massage is performed with both hands. The left one opens the genital slit, and two fingers of the right one massage the perineum and enter the vagina. You need to cover the clitoris with your thumb, and the bent ring finger and little finger are pressed against the palm. This position will allow the index and middle finger to penetrate as deeply as possible and straighten the vaginal walls. Also, these fingers inside push apart and fix the cervix on both sides.

Massage for conception. Awaken your body's hidden reserves | AlphaHomeopathy

The birth of a child is a real miracle given to a woman by nature. In motherhood, a woman reveals her purpose and realizes her inner resources. For many couples, the absence of children becomes a real tragedy and endless grief.

But, unfortunately, the statistics are inexorable. 15% of couples hear the diagnosis of “infertility” addressed to them. They go to great lengths to realize their dream of becoming parents. And they forget that our body itself is capable of much.

You just need to know how to awaken your inner strength.

Self-massage is the first step to solving the problem

Since ancient times, Chinese doctors have treated infertility with fertility massage, along with acupuncture, aromatherapy, and naturopathy. Everyone knows that there are thousands of points on the human body that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs.

Each woman can independently massage the uterus for conception, gently influencing the bioactive zones of her body.

The impulse from such a massage extends to the reproductive organs: blood circulation in the pelvic organs, liver, kidneys and intestines improves, congestion is eliminated, the outflow of venous blood increases, and sexual desire increases. You can watch how to massage the uterus for conception, as well as the subtleties of the technique for performing it, in the video course “The Miracle of a New Life.”

Fertility points

Several points that increase the likelihood of conception can be found on the auricle.

Triangular Fossa point is used to stimulate the fallopian tubes and uterus. It can be massaged at any time, especially during stress.

“Inner Ear Notch” point can influence the endocrine system and ovaries, which increases the chances of conception. Massage of this point can be done once a day.

How massage works with causes of infertility

  1. Fallopian tube adhesions : by increasing blood circulation, massage can soften scar tissue
  2. Endometriosis : Overgrowth of endometrial tissue causes internal organs to “stick together” and the fallopian tubes to twist due to the formation of scar tissue. Massage aims to reduce inflammation, stress and pain
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome : another cause of decreased fertility, stagnation in the body and hormonal imbalance. Massage ensures the circulation of fresh, oxygen-rich blood, normalizes the hormonal connection between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and ovaries.

The massage is performed using castor oil, the miraculous effect of which on internal organs was known to ancient physicians.

When massage should not be performed

There are several warnings when performing fertility massage:

  • Take a break from your period if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant;
  • If you are actively trying to get pregnant, massage in the first half of your cycle before ovulation, then take a break;
  • If you have health problems, consult your doctor before starting a fertility massage.

Now let's talk about stress

We hear about it so often that we have stopped paying attention to it. But chronic stress deprives a woman of her chances of becoming a mother. And these are not empty words.

Do you know that under stress, the menstrual cycle occurs without ovulation? That is, everything is fine outwardly, but the egg does not mature and does not leave the ovaries. No matter what you do, conception will not happen.

Therefore, one of the directions on your path to motherhood should be freeing your mind and body from stress and worries. A stress factor can be any external influence from the world around us: illness, anxiety, conflicts, bright light and noise, monotonous unloved work, etc.

Even a “too” healthy lifestyle can negatively affect ovulation. For example, frequent and intense strength training can also negatively impact fertility.

Let's sum it up

A massage for conceiving a child is a wonderful relaxing procedure that will help reduce the effects of stress. During the massage, you relax, blood flow increases, and endorphins are produced. These hormones of joy and pleasure will make you calmer and more balanced.

But massage is not the only way to activate your reproductive organs. Light physical exercise, which is also included in the “Miracle of a New Life” complex, a proper balanced diet, giving up alcohol and smoking – this is exactly what you need to fulfill your dream of becoming a mother.

Go to massage

Articles: How to get pregnant

July 16


How often should I use it?

For women who are just starting a massage course, the first session should last less than 5 minutes. Gradually the processing time is increased to 15 minutes. After the massage, you need time to rest: it is recommended to lie down for 15-30 minutes. During this time, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is restored, heart rate and muscle activity are normalized.

The frequency of sessions is selected by the doctor based on the indications, tolerance, limitations and general condition of the patient. A course of gynecological massage can include from 30 to 60 sessions, and its total duration reaches 4 months. On the days of the massage, it is recommended to abstain from sex.

The problem of infertility can be solved by changing lifestyle, taking special vitamins and gynecological massage. Indications for it are different - from menstrual irregularities to postoperative adhesions and psychological trauma after termination of pregnancy. The frequency of sessions and duration of the course are selected by the doctor based on the general state of health and the cause of infertility. Massage sessions can be performed not only in the hospital, but also at home. Simple self-massage procedures are no less effective and help to cope with psychological discomfort, increase muscle tone of the pelvic organs and improve the functioning of the uterus.

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