About bacillary flora in a smear - what is it?
The detection of coccobacillary flora in a smear indicates disorders in the female body. Cost of services in
How long does it take for thrush to go away?
How long does it take for thrush to go away when taking the pill?
How long does it take for thrush to go away? No gynecologist can answer this question without
“Pimafucin” (cream, ointment) for men with thrush - features of the drug use
Pimafucin ointment, or rather cream, is a remedy for the external treatment of fungal infections. By
Myometrial varicose veins - a symptom or a disease?
In recent years, in the conclusions of ultrasound examinations of the pelvic organs, one can find the wording expansion
Why does the uterus tingle during menstruation, reasons
Why does the uterus tingle? Before the onset of menstruation, many women experience symptoms in the uterine area.
Preparations to prepare the cervix for childbirth in
List of indications for stimulation of labor Childbirth is a natural process that is normally ensured
Photo: Analysis for the presence of eggs
Everything you wanted to know about eggs. Opinion of a gynecologist.
Gynecologist at CLINIC21 Olga Arkadyevna Fedorova answered frequently asked questions from patients: How many eggs do you have?
Streptococcus agalactia in a smear - what does this mean?
IN THIS ARTICLE: Group B Streptococcus – what is it? Why is group streptococcus analyzed?
Echo signs of diffuse changes in the myometrium, what is it
Adenomyosis is a form of endometriosis. In most cases, diagnosis reveals diffuse changes in the myometrium
After gynecological cleaning. What not to do after curettage of the uterus. What is dysbiosis
Curettage (curettage) is a gynecological operation during which the doctor uses special instruments
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