Different types of ultrasound of the uterus and appendages require the use of different sensors
How is an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages performed?
Indications A woman is recommended to have an ultrasound examination if during a standard examination she has
Mumiyo: application in gynecology for the treatment of female problems
Shilajit is a common alternative medicine. The rich chemical composition and numerous beneficial properties allow
Pelvioperitonitis in gynecology - causes, diagnosis, treatment and symptoms
Pelvioperitonitis in gynecology - causes, diagnosis, treatment and symptoms
07/21/2020 Alena Masheva Health Pelvioperitonitis is an inflammatory disease of the pelvic peritoneum. Without
Douching for thrush: all the pros and cons of douching
The essence of the douching procedure Every second woman over 18 years of age is familiar with the vaginal form of thrush.
Uterine fibroids with centripetal node growth surgery
From this article you will learn about what this medical term means, how it can
Changing a partner: possible risks
Itching after changing partners. Problems in sexual life when changing partners
Often, being completely immersed in a new relationship, women forget about their own health. Gynecologists recommend
embryo development by day
Under an embryologist's microscope. Embryological stage in the IVF procedure.
The process of culturing embryos directly relates to the procedure of artificial insemination. Today, infertility of one
Is Metformin effective for polycystic ovary syndrome: its description, action, contraindications, reviews from doctors and women
Many women of reproductive age are faced with a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome. Pathology refers to
Papaverine for uterine tone during pregnancy
Suppositories with Papaverine during pregnancy. Is it possible to relieve a spasm without resorting to strong medications? Reviews
Papaverine for uterine tone is prescribed to women at different periods. This drug is rapidly absorbed than
Bougienage of the cervical canal
What is cervical dilatation? Reasons for the expansion of the cervical canal in postmenopause
What is the cervical canal? The cervical canal is the canal of the cervix, connecting the vagina and the cavity of this
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