life after spay removal at 60
Possible consequences of ovarian removal in women after 50 years of age
Gynecological diseases occupy a leading position among all diseases of the female half of the population. Sooner or later
Symptoms of women suffering from thrush without discharge
What happens with thrush? This is the name of a common disease of the genital area - candidiasis, which in
laparoscopic uterus removal
removal of the uterus and ovaries laparoscopy My story began in distant years. When I was
Such discharge may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen
Yellow discharge after childbirth - what to look for
During reproductive age, a woman's vagina secretes varying amounts of secretions. Consistency and color of discharge
When can you get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion?
Women of childbearing age who require radical treatment are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization
Epigen spray instructions for use for thrush
Many people believe that thrush can be cured forever, but this is not true. And all,
Rupture of right ovarian cyst code ICD
Sudden pain in the lower abdomen may mean a woman has ruptured one of her ovaries. More often
Myths about cancer
Treatment and prognosis for a diagnosis of stage 1–2 lung cancer
Cancer is contagious Recently, the media have been actively debunking this myth. But for a long time it was believed
Oxytocin for uterine bleeding, how much to inject
Hormonal drug Oxytocin - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Yulia Vladimirovna
Oxytocin for uterine bleeding 02/16/2018 DANGER! Self-medication with oxytocin is unacceptable. Uterine bleeding occurs in women
Brown-red discharge from 7 to 12 days after transplantation during eco
Unfortunately, not all women can experience the joy of motherhood without seeking help.
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