Solutions and ointments for tampons
The best folk methods for treating erosion at home
Effective components Products created by nature itself are more easily accepted by the human body, because this is inherent
Can fibroids develop into cancer?
What is fibroid Myoma (leiomyoma, fibroma, fibromyoma) is a benign neoplasm in the tissues of the uterus, which
Miramistin solution
Miramistin for intimate hygiene - how to use
Every woman has encountered gynecological problems and diseases at least once in her life,
What is perineoplasty and when is perineal plastic surgery performed?
Consultation with plastic surgeons with over 20 years of experience is free! Make an appointment by phone. Waiting for you!
Itchy breasts
Why does a woman’s breasts itch: causes of itching
string(10) “error stat” There are many reasons why women’s breasts itch. Besides
Intravenous anesthesia for curettage contraindications
Curettage is a surgical process in which the uterine cavity is cleaned. It can also be carried out
What is the likelihood of pregnancy with adnexitis of the appendages with inflammation of the ovaries of various etiologies: is it possible to conceive and give birth
The most amazing part of a woman's body is her reproductive system. After all, this is where it begins
woman in panties and a T-shirt
Thrush during ovulation: symptoms and treatment
Thrush is a pathology caused by yeast-like fungi belonging to the genus Candida. These fungi are included in
herbs in bags
Folk remedies, herbs and mixtures for the treatment of candidiasis (thrush)
The use of herbs for thrush is a gentle method of combating the disease. They can be used
Treatment of thrush with probiotics with lactobacilli
What are probiotics? Probiotics are substances of microbial or other origin, as well as living
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