Vaginal suppositories "Livarol" antifungal - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Gumerova
The thrush did not go away after taking Livarol. Consultation Good afternoon. There were suspicions of thrush, itching,
Erosion and thrush
For thrush, you can cauterize cervical erosion
Causes of the disease Experts say that after certain processes of surgical invasion, candidiasis can begin
The problem of thrush during pregnancy
Treatment of thrush in pregnant women (at home)
If thrush develops during pregnancy, treatment at home is very effective. Such a disease
Ovarian drilling and pregnancy
Ovarian drilling – preparation, operation, recovery and pregnancy
Infertility in women associated with pathology of the ovarian glands occupies the largest part among other causes.
Cervical biopsy for erosion: how is the material taken?
Indications for research Biopsy for erosion should not always be performed. Usually for such a diagnosis
How is cervical plastic surgery done?
Cervical plastic surgery (tracheloplasty) is an operation performed to restore its shape and structure,
Faberlic Sanitary pads with anion chip, daytime - reviews
Features of anions Unfortunately, standard products often create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Antibiotics are the most effective treatment for thrush
Thrush (candidiasis) - a pathology caused by yeast fungi of the Candida family - are opportunistic. Provoke activity
Is a 20 mm cyst large or not, is surgery necessary?
Reproductive organs in women The female reproductive system is represented by mammary glands located on the anterior surface
Pulling of the ovaries after embryo transfer: full description, causes, tips and recommendations
Why does the ovaries pull and compress after the transfer of prepared embryos? Embryo transfer is a serious procedure that requires
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