Medicines and ointments for adnexitis
What antibiotics are prescribed for adnexitis and how to take them
The drugs prescribed by the doctor for effective therapy for adnexitis were selected based on the laboratory results obtained
How is ceftriaxone prescribed for adnexitis?
What effective antibiotics can be used to treat ovarian inflammation in women?
Indications Depending on the form of the drug, the list of indications for its use will change.
The action of Letrozole in stimulating ovulation. Features of the drug and side effects
Letrozole is used to stimulate ovulation in cases of endocrine infertility. The active substance of the drug is aimed at
Can I get my period earlier after a biopsy - ANTI-CANCER
Can menstruation be delayed after a cervical biopsy | A biopsy is a surgical
Cervical erosion
Suppositories: effective treatment of cervical erosion
Hexicon suppositories are successfully used as part of complex therapy for many gynecological diseases due to their antimicrobial effect.
Laparotomy of ovarian cyst
Laparotomy of ovarian cyst postoperative period
A benign neoplasm called a cyst may appear in the ovarian tissue. Its dimensions can reach
After curettage of the uterus: possible risks
How to cleanse the uterus of clots using folk remedies
“I was cleaned” or “I was cleaned” - I often hear these phrases from my
Treatment of uterine fibroids with baking soda: basic principles of therapy and recommendations
Among modern treatment, the use of traditional medicine exists as a separate branch, which is used only
Femilex suppositories for use during menstruation
Femilex: instructions for use of suppositories Latin name: Femilex ATC code: G01AD01 Active ingredient: Lactic
Treatment of the cervix for polyps with folk remedies
Douching for erosion, technique, what components are used
Treatment of inflammation of the female organs with celandine 2 tbsp. herbs of this plant, elecampane, coltsfoot, birch
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