MRI of the uterus, which shows
MRI of the uterus, which shows
Timely diagnosis of pathologies of the female reproductive system allows you to prescribe effective treatment and reduce the risk of developing
Curettage of the uterine cavity after cesarean section
After pregnancy, gestation and birth of a child, the mother’s body should return to normal. Need a specific
at the doctor's
Homeopathic treatment of fibroids and other uterine diseases
Causes of fibroids Myoma is a benign neoplasm that depends on hormones and is concentrated in
Estrogen type of smear: what does it mean and what problems does it indicate?
What concentration of estrogen does the estrogen type of smear show?
Home / Other Back Published: 10/23/2020 Reading time: 7 min 0 28 How
If there is a follicular cyst, is pregnancy possible?
Authors | Last updated: 2020 A follicular ovarian cyst is a benign cavity formation that
Recovery after curettage of a frozen pregnancy
The concept of “frozen pregnancy” A frozen pregnancy is a condition when the child inside has died. This can happen
woman's menstrual cycle
Ovulation and causes of yellow discharge
The entire menstrual cycle of a woman is accompanied by the release of vaginal mucus. Its color, consistency and quantity
causes of premature cervical dilatation
The uterus is the main organ necessary for pregnancy. It consists of the bottom, body
Does Duphaston suppress ovulation: indisputable facts
This medication is available in tablet form and has the main active ingredient – ​​dydrogesterone,
Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence: exercises and exercises to strengthen the bladder in women
The bladder is an organ that is located in the pelvis. It accumulates urine and
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