Nagging pain during and after ovulation: what can be considered normal and what is the nature of such a symptom?
9 dpo stomach hurts like menstruation. What does nagging pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation mean?
Sometimes you hear stories from mothers like “I felt like I was pregnant the next day.”
Normal ovarian volume according to ultrasound formula
An ovarian cyst is a capsule filled with secretory fluid. It is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies
An ovary with a cyst on the diagram
Indications for the use of boron uterus for polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome is considered today to be a common gynecological ailment of a hormonal nature, which
Prostate biopsy results
Can a biopsy be wrong?
Error in biopsy A sample of the collected tissue for subsequent histological analysis can be obtained by the most
Is it possible to take antibiotics during menstruation?
The effect of antibiotics on a woman’s body during menstruation. What is important to know Often potent drugs
Bubbles in the appendages during ovulation
What number of antral follicles is considered normal?
Many women of different ages are currently facing the problem of infertility. Progress in medicine
Ureaplasma 10
What is ureaplasma: consequences and symptoms of the disease
Ureaplasma parvum is one of the types of ureaplasma, which are opportunistic bacteria. They are capable of being in
Esmiya - only fibroids are at gunpoint! How it works? - everything about diseases of the genital area, their diagnosis, operations, problems of infertility and pregnancy on
Esmiya - only fibroids are at gunpoint! How it works?
Representatives of the fair sex, in our time, are very often exposed to “female” problems that can negatively
Is it possible to use Viferon suppositories during menstruation?
The effect of Viferon suppositories is a complex antiviral drug based on interferon. The composition of the medicine includes
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Devices for determining ovulation - to each his own!
What should be the temperature during ovulation? There is such a thing as basal body temperature. She
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