Will valerian help during pregnancy and is it worth taking it at all?
07/30/2018 Category: Medicines and vitamins Author: Elena Mann Valerian is popularly known as safe and effective
Changes in menstruation during ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy for every woman is a real miracle, which is carefully protected and cherished. Unfortunately not
Scarlet discharge during menstruation (menstruation)
The monthly discharge of blood from a woman’s vagina is absolutely physiological. During menstruation, the body gets rid of
Types of intrauterine devices
Is it painful to have an IUD inserted? Recommendations of the gynecologist and features of the procedure
Intrauterine contraceptives differ from other methods of contraception in that their installation requires medical intervention.
Is it possible to put candles during menstruation?
What kind of suppositories can be used for thrush during menstruation?
Advantages and disadvantages There are two types of suppositories - anal and vaginal. They are used for
pulls in the lower abdomen
Why do you experience abdominal pain 7 days before your period?
A painful sensation in the lower abdomen can be pathological or physiological in nature. Sometimes required
Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion lsil
Pathological changes in the cervix can occur in benign and malignant scenarios. To non-tumor processes
Is it possible to get pregnant with one ovary and what is the likelihood of conception without stimulation?
Nowadays, more than half of all women of reproductive age, often themselves
Amputation of the cervix for grade 3 dysplasia
Cervical dysplasia is a fairly serious disease that belongs to precancerous pathological conditions. Disease
Why does my vagina hurt? 11 possible causes of pain below, according to doctors
What diseases can cause pain in the neck? Pain in the neck can be a symptom of inflammation and
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