a drug
The drug Femoston 2/10 for menopause: its description, composition, action, contraindications, reviews from doctors and women
The climacteric period is difficult for women, as it indicates the decline of reproductive function, loss of attractiveness, and
Diffuse changes
Diffuse mastopathy with a cystic component DFCM-KK
Diffuse mastopathy is a pathology of the mammary gland, with diffuse deformation of the tissue structure. Characterized by rapid
Why is an obstetric pessary placed during pregnancy?
What is an obstetric pessary and what is it for? Uterine ring on the cervix
Features of the course of a two-chamber ovarian cyst
A two-chamber ovarian cyst is a phenomenon in gynecology that many women of reproductive age encounter.
Medical termination of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages
Almost every woman in her prime wants to have her own child, this is a great joy,
sage in gynecology
Sage in gynecology: medicinal properties, use, contraindications
Why is sage useful in gynecology? Even in the time of Hippocrates, the sacred herb sage was used for
Woman's ovaries
Types of multilocular ovarian cyst and possible complications
A multi-chamber ovarian cyst is a benign hollow formation located on the tissues of the female reproductive gland,
The procedure for vacuum cleaning of the uterus is carried out for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.
Many women receive a referral for curettage of the uterine cavity after a routine gynecological examination. But not enough
the internal os is closed, what does this mean during pregnancy?
The internal os is closed, what does this mean during pregnancy?
pregnancy childbirth internal os Many pregnant women, after an ultrasound examination, hear such completely incomprehensible
Features of treatment of uterine fibroids with its size of 12 weeks in centimeters
Dimensions of uterine fibroids Uterine fibroids are one of the most common female diseases. According to medical
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