Douching with nettles for female diseases. Nettle in gynecology, medicinal properties
Like many medicinal plants, stinging nettle is used in traditional medicine as an aid to
Basal temperature is 37 or higher, what does it mean?
Basal temperature is 37 or higher, what does it mean? What does basal temperature mean and why?
Using depantol during menstruation
Is it possible to use Depantol suppositories during menstruation?
The benefits of Depantol suppositories during menstruation When menstruation occurs, most often a woman is prohibited from using various
Girl holding her stomach
Removal of the cone-shaped part of the cervix and cervical canal (cervical conization)
Conization of the cervix is ​​a gentle and less invasive method of treating female diseases. Pathological process
Bleeding after laparoscopy is normal
Up to a certain time, uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm, but have the property of being in an advanced state,
thinks about the baby
Intrauterine pathology in women who have undergone the first attempt at in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
Endometritis can be asymptomatic, with the exception of the acute period, marked by fever, fever, pain
pregnancy with irregular cycles
How are irregular menstrual cycles and pregnancy related?
Factors Leading to Menstrual Variability A healthy menstrual cycle is 21-37 days. Periods that are shorter
Pregnancy brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy without pain
Brown discharge during pregnancy Features Normal Threat of miscarriage Hormonal deficiency Ectopic pregnancy Placenta previa
What pills cause menstruation ahead of schedule?
The question “how to provoke menstruation” arises before many women for various reasons. Someone's getting ready
Myoma after childbirth. Myoma after childbirth: features of the disease
Uterine fibroids are often found in women of reproductive age. It happens that for the first time you can talk about her
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