Is it possible to visit a solarium during menstruation and sunbathe?
What is the harm of a solarium during menstruation? During menstruation in all women
pregnancy and chest pain
Breast pain and delay - symptoms of pregnancy and pathologies
Pain in the chest that appears during a delay often goes away from the first day of menstruation. If
Is it possible to get a tattoo during your period? Can tattooing have negative consequences?
Tattoo during menstruation The process of applying a tattoo can hardly be called a surgical intervention in the body,
back treatment
Is it possible to do a general back massage during menstruation?
Massage during menstruation is a risky activity that can lead to the development of a number of dangerous
The influence of a woman's menstrual cycle on MRI results
General information about MRI Magnetic resonance imaging determines the reaction of cells under the influence of magnetic radiation. Such
Is it possible to have sex during PMS and menstruation?
Author rating 5 Author of the article Daria Polevaya Practicing general practitioner with 7 years of experience. I love mine
What causes yellow discharge after menstruation?
The female genital organs are designed in such a way that the presence of mucus in the intimate area is mandatory - it
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Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and discharge after ovulation: normal or pathological?
Characteristic sensations Pain after ovulation can be characterized in different ways. This largely depends on
Miscarriage at 4 weeks - symptoms and experiences of other women
It is not always easy to distinguish between menstrual bleeding and early miscarriage. Moreover, pregnancy loss
Can a woman go for a gynecological examination during her period?
We all know that we need to see a gynecologist regularly. But the high speed of modern life,
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