Nagging pain during and after ovulation: what can be considered normal and what is the nature of such a symptom?
9 dpo stomach hurts like menstruation. What does nagging pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation mean?
Sometimes you hear stories from mothers like “I felt like I was pregnant the next day.”
Is it possible to take antibiotics during menstruation?
The effect of antibiotics on a woman’s body during menstruation. What is important to know Often potent drugs
vitamins E
The role of cyclic vitamin therapy in the treatment of functional disorders of the menstrual cycle
General information The complex of vitamins is prescribed by the attending physician and taken in a course method, which is called cyclic
Nise during menstruation - will it help or not?
Every woman experiences pain, cramps and other unfavorable symptoms during her menstrual period.
escapelle picture
Will escapelle help during ovulation: principle of action
Ovulation (translated from Latin ovum - egg) is the period during which a ready-made
Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed
One of the common symptoms of a variety of diseases: discharge from the breast. Discharge from the mammary glands
Egg and sperm
We study our body. Discharge during ovulation: a sign of illness or the best moment to conceive?
The female body is a real mystery, sometimes even for the women themselves. But if you relate to
Is it possible to do physiotherapy with menstrual magnets?
Critical days in the life of many women can become an obstacle to treatment and prevention.
When will your period come after Escapelle?
Is it possible to take escapelle during menstruation?
Various methods are used for emergency contraception. They are necessary to help avoid consequences
Is it possible to do massage during menstruation: anti-cellulite, vacuum, lpg, lymphatic drainage
Is it possible to do massage during menstruation: anti-cellulite, vacuum, lpg, lymphatic drainage
Vacuum massage is effective, useful and helps against various problems, including cellulite and lymph congestion. He
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