What happens if you start taking Regulon after menstruation?
Indications for discontinuation of Regulon Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive drug used for routine contraception. Except
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Jess for endometriosis: effective treatment with a hormonal drug
Characteristic symptoms of the disease The endometrium is the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body. The thickness of this layer is
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“Janine” and menstruation During puberty, the synthesis of GnRH by the hypothalamus increases. This increases production
Bloody discharge when taking yarina in the middle of the cycle. Bloody, brown and spotting discharge when taking birth control pills Brown discharge began while taking Yarina
One of the most common side effects while taking contraceptives is the appearance
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Yarina for endometriosis and polycystic disease One of the common gynecological diseases of women of childbearing age is
I drink Belara but don’t get my period – answers to popular questions
Contraceptive pills are the most popular way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Available in pharmacies
The role of ulipristal acetate in the treatment of fibroids, opinion 2021
The drug Esmiya is produced by a Hungarian pharmaceutical company and is intended to combat uterine fibroids
What to look for when using a Juno coil
Intrauterine contraceptives with propolis, in particular the IUD Juno Bio-T Super, were created in
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Hormonal oral contraceptives are a reliable method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Of course, modern drugs have become
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"Olweis Ultra" gaskets: characteristics, types, reviews
September 12, 2018 Obstetrics and gynecology Natali Mikhaelis Many women during menstruation give
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