What should the endometrium be like during early pregnancy?
After pregnancy occurs, a woman’s body begins to undergo various transformations. Mostly
Fresh fruits
Yellow-beige discharge during early pregnancy
Already from the first days of gestation, the female hormonal background begins to change intensively, and the transformations affect
Embryo transfer during IVF: a detailed overview of the procedure
The implantation of a fertilized embryo into a woman's uterus is an important part of in vitro fertilization. There are some things
Can thrush indicate pregnancy? What to do if thrush appears in early pregnancy
Can thrush indicate pregnancy? Some women even before visiting the doctor
Discharge during pregnancy - normal and pathological
How to treat discharge during pregnancy at home
The gestation period is accompanied by numerous changes in the reproductive system. Often the attention of the expectant mother is attracted by discharge
Infertility 1st degree - primary infertility
1st degree infertility in women and men: causes and treatment What does the diagnosis of infertility mean?
What happens to hCG during an ectopic pregnancy: how does it grow and how does the level differ in the early stages?
Pregnancy can be considered successful from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium
Is pregnancy possible during menopause? What is it?
Ectopic pregnancy during menopause signs
When possible The female body retains the ability to conceive while growth occurs
looks at the discharge
Reasons for the appearance of discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester and what is normal
While expecting a baby, a woman secretes secretions from her vagina. For different periods of interest
N97.9 Female infertility, unspecified. Primary infertility ICD code infertility 1
Infertility according to the ICD is coded by a special alphanumeric code, which patients repeatedly see in medical documentation
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