Free b-hCG levels during pregnancy
Blood test for hCG. Why is it needed?
HCG after IVF pregnancy Immediately after gestation, regardless of the method of fertilization, in
patient asks doctor about discharge
Rotten smell from the intimate area during pregnancy: what does unpleasant-smelling discharge mean?
Mucous discharge appears during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. If
Nausea and dizziness after ovulation
The moment of complete maturation of the egg and release from the follicle is the most favorable for conception. Some
Miscarriage in early pregnancy: various aspects of the problem
A miscarriage may occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, but the woman may not know that
temperature during lactostasis
Lactostasis in a nursing mother. Treatment methods and prevention
When a nursing mother is faced with such a nuisance as lactostasis, she may be especially worried
what day does ovulation occur after clostilbegit
What is ovulation stimulation? When a specialist says that there is no need for IVF, he means
Pregnancy after taking birth control pills
Is it possible to get pregnant after taking birth control pills?
Is it possible to get pregnant after taking birth control pills? To understand what is the likelihood of pregnancy after stopping
19th day of the cycle signs of pregnancy in a 28 day cycle
The female body is a subtle mechanism that senses even small changes occurring inside the body. Pregnancy
double ovulation
Double ovulation - what is it and in what cases does it occur?
The uniqueness of the female body lies in the ability to reproduce a mature egg, completely ready for fertilization. On
Tubal-peritoneal infertility: causes and treatment options
Symptoms, causes and treatment of tubo-peritoneal infertility Tubal-peritoneal infertility is a very common cause of absence
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