Treatment of cervical erosion in women who have given birth: necessity and methods
Many gynecologists talk about cervical erosion to describe almost any change in the form
Let's find out whether it is possible to cure endometriosis with herbs...
Folk remedies, herbs and preparations for the treatment of endometriosis
≡ Home → Endometrium → Endometriosis → Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disease that differs
Treatment of uterine fibroids with honey: how to make syrups, suppositories and tampons
Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of honey. There are many articles devoted to this product. It's hard to find a disease
Name of suppositories for discharge in women and correct treatment
Popular vaginal suppositories for odor and itching
Every woman has vaginal discharge. They may be natural or result from
Can thrush appear after sex?
If a woman develops thrush after sex with a man
Thrush after sexual intercourse is a fungal infection of the vagina or penis that occurs after
Itching in the intimate areas in women as a symptom of thrush
Home → Gynecology Thrush (candidiasis) is a very unpleasant disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Actively
betadine for thrush
The use of Betadine suppositories for thrush in women
Indications for the use of suppositories The drug is active against fungi, bacteria, spores and
Growths at the entrance to the vagina: possible diseases and removal methods
It happens that during self-examination or by chance a woman may identify some kind of lump in the area
Lump in the vagina during pregnancy
One day, while performing routine hygiene procedures, a woman discovers that she has a lump near her vagina. Certainly,
vulvitis in women symptoms and treatment
Treatment of vulvitis at home, inflammation of the labia
The term “vulvitis” refers to inflammation of the vulva - the external female genital organs. The main symptoms causing
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