Cervical carcinoma
What is keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma?
Cervical carcinoma Cervical carcinoma is a malignant disease characterized by lesions
Mirena spiral: contraceptive action, application features, effectiveness
What is the drug Effect on the body Indications for use Method of use Insertion of the spiral
days of the menstrual cycle
Is it possible to get pregnant a few days before your period?
The main mission of a woman is to give birth to a child, raise and continue the family line. Sooner or later it comes
Bloody discharge due to candidiasis
Why do bloody discharge occur with thrush in women?
Thrush with bleeding is a fairly common form of this insidious disease. But far from it
Fibroadenoma: treatment recipes with folk remedies and not recommended methods
Breast fibroadenoma is a common disease in modern women. Characterized by the appearance of benign seals
Lubricants for menopause: reviews from women, how to choose the right one
Menopause radically changes a woman's previous lifestyle. First of all, the changes concern intimate life.
The uterus contracts painfully after childbirth
What happens to the uterus after childbirth? After childbirth, all organs and systems of the female body
No period after Mirena removal
In some situations, the intrauterine contraceptive device is removed ahead of schedule in order to prevent pathological complications and
How not to gain weight during menopause after 50 years. Medicines, folk remedies, proper nutrition during menopause in women
How to manage menopause without hormones - 15 best medications For severe menopause
Treatment of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy
Thrush in early pregnancy: causes, treatment
Thrush during pregnancy (vaginal candidiasis), observed 3-4 times more often than in non-pregnant women
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