Treatment of the cervix for polyps with folk remedies
Douching for erosion, technique, what components are used
Treatment of inflammation of the female organs with celandine 2 tbsp. herbs of this plant, elecampane, coltsfoot, birch
Health after abortion - hormonal levels, infections and depression
How to restore hormones after medical abortion
There is no need to talk much about what abortion is. Most women know what it is
With PMS, nagging pain in the lower abdomen
Premenstrual syndrome is a concept familiar to many women of reproductive age. What
During menstruation and before it you want sex: reasons
Is it possible to masturbate during menstruation?
Menstruation and libido Increased sexual desire during menstruation is associated with hormonal changes. Duration
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Review of the intrauterine device Goldlily exclusive with gold
Like any type of contraception, intrauterine devices have their advantages and disadvantages. Despite
On ultrasound you can see inflammation of the ovary
Women's health and body require careful and careful treatment. However, due to the fact that
What to do if your breasts turn red during breastfeeding
Causes and associated symptoms Redness of the breast can be caused by various factors. One of
Ovulation after miscarriage: when to expect and what to fear?
A frozen pregnancy is an abnormal phenomenon when the development of the fetus stops and it dies. More often
Will postinor help to terminate a pregnancy after 2 weeks?
The drug "Postinor" for termination of pregnancy in the early stages According to statistics, every third pregnancy is
Delayed menstruation and pain in the ovarian area
Main causes of the symptom The ovaries may hurt before each period. This is due to the course of physiological
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