pregnancy and delay
The advisability of a pregnancy test before menstruation
A delay in the menstrual cycle can be caused by a number of reasons. But the first thing that comes to mind
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Endometriosis Endometriosis is a complex disease characterized by the proliferation of cells similar to the endometrium outside of its usual
How to prevent an impulse
Why can a condom break and what to do in this case?
A condom is not only one of the most reliable methods of contraception, but also a way
breast discharge in early pregnancy
Anatomy of the nipples and changes in the breast during pregnancy Nipples are the “ends” of the breast, the outer convex ones
What is homogeneous myometrium
Myometrium is heterogeneous on ultrasound: reasons for which diseases this is typical
Myometrium: what is it, causes of pathology The muscular layer of the uterus normally has a small thickness,
What are allergies to the labia?
A rash on the labia is a fairly common occurrence that occurs in women of all ages. Besides
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Why does itching occur after menstruation and how can you combat it?
The main symptom that indicates the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process in the female reproductive organs is
Doctors' opinions on diets
How to eat on critical days - a diet for slimness and peace of mind
Doctors' opinion about diets during menstruation Any gynecologist and nutritionist will categorically prohibit such
Mucous discharge streaked with blood: transparent, bloody in the middle of the cycle, with mucus, white
Transparent discharge with bloody streaks: the cause of the appearance The mucus secreted from the vagina is a physiological fluid
Contraceptives to restore hormonal levels
What are phytoestrogens? The first part of the name “phyto” means “plant, plant”, but it would be a mistake to think
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