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Hirudotherapy for uterine fibroids where to place
Neoplasms in the uterine cavity are diagnosed in almost every 2nd female representative. Mostly
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Treatment of infertility with herbs. How to cook and how to take traditional medicine
There are diseases that make it difficult or even impossible to experience the joy of motherhood. To such diseases
Diet before IVF, nutrition during and after the IVF protocol
Features of preparation for IVF: what should be the diet and lifestyle during this period?
Share on social media networks: Diet before IVF - special nutrition prescribed to improve fertility
Medical termination of pregnancy risks of infertility
An abortion should only be performed in a medical facility. Unfortunately, there are often cases of criminal
composition of the matron's infusion
MATRYONA BREW for infertility - remedy No. 1 in 2021 according to customer reviews
Composition of “Matrona Infusion” The drug has healing qualities and is completely natural. Contains plant estrogens, which
The stomach becomes stiff at 39 weeks of pregnancy and pulls the lower back
You've been pregnant for almost 9 months now, which means your baby will happen very soon.
Date of birth based on last menstrual period
All methods for calculating gestational age and future births
Having made sure of her “interesting situation”, the expectant mother tries to calculate the expected date of birth (EDD) according to
Can hirudotherapy be used for endometriosis?
HYRUDOTHERAPY FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS To understand what effect the use of leeches has on endometriosis, you need to find out
Discharge with the smell of sour milk during pregnancy. Unpleasant odor during early pregnancy: a sign of pregnancy or pathology. Can odor occur after sex?
Normal Female Discharge Some amount of vaginal discharge is normal. Their abundance
Anesthesia for abortion, drugs used
What is abortion? This is the termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks. Early (up to 12
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