The uterus during pregnancy: when does it start to grow and what does it look like in the early stages?
How to measure the uterus during pregnancy In the first three months, the small size of the uterus allows you to measure
beautiful girl
How long does it take to treat thrush in women?
04/12/2017 No one knows for sure how long it takes to treat a woman’s thrush. It all depends on
my period started and ended immediately
Your period started and ended immediately - reasons for early menstruation
Observed cycle irregularities are always a compelling argument for visiting a doctor and undergoing appropriate tests.
cervix before and after treatment with Solkovagin
What is destruction of cervical erosion with the drug Solkovagin
Mechanism of action The acids included in the solkovagin lightly cauterize the epithelium in the affected area of ​​the cervix
Popular sedatives during menopause
Every woman at a certain age faces the end of her reproductive function. This process is often accompanied
What is the probability of getting pregnant if intercourse is interrupted during ovulation?
Hello, dear blog readers! Not long ago, a friend argued to me that coitus interruptus
palpitations during menopause (main key)
Rapid heartbeat during menopause: what to do?
Cardiovascular system during menopause Statistics show that manifestations signaling problems with blood vessels
Brown discharge after postinor in a week
Brown discharge after postinor in a week
No method of contraception can protect against unwanted pregnancy with a 100% guarantee. Especially
What is physiotherapy in gynecology
Electrophoresis and other types of physiotherapy in gynecology for infertility
In this article we will try to understand what it is - physiotherapy in
Body temperature
What temperature should be in the rectum of a healthy person?
Gynecologists recommend that all women of childbearing age keep not only a menstrual calendar, but also a record
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