White plaque in the groin of women - is it always a fungus?
Quite often, women find a white coating on the labia. The norm is the absence of an unpleasant odor,
Endometrial pathology
Definition The principle of ultrasound diagnostics is as follows: the area under study is processed using ultrasound.
Clear mucous discharge and delayed menstruation
Throughout the menstrual cycle, the female reproductive system produces mucus. Depending on the period,
Swollen and painful mammary glands, before menstruation, after menstruation, ovulation, in the middle of the cycle: causes
Why do my breasts become full and sore in the middle of my cycle?
The period of ovulation is of great importance for a woman. If she is healthy and has no
Is there any cause for concern when there is a burning sensation in the nipples of the mammary glands?
When your nipples itch, this may indicate changes in your body. Women's breasts are very
Uterine round ligament cyst: symptoms and treatment methods
Ligamentous apparatus of the uterus The position of the uterus and appendages depends on the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, which is represented by
Intrauterine device after cesarean section: important aspects of postoperative contraception
“I want to install a spiral. Tell me, is this dangerous after a caesarean section? – similar questions
If you missed 1 Qlaira contraceptive pill
Qlaira is a three-phase oral contraceptive that is used both for pregnancy protection and prevention
Bad mood before menstruation: how to deal with it
Hormonal melancholy, or female depression. PMS: causes, symptoms, help. Why is it worth talking separately about
Excision as a therapeutic procedure
Excision of the cervix - types, indications, recovery after surgery
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