Treatment of acne on the face with birth control pills

Logest doctor reviews

Reliable contraceptive

This drug is a reliable modern oral contraceptive.

The mechanism of action of Logest is to prevent ovulation, increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents the advancement of sperm, and this drug also affects the endometrium, thereby preventing possible implantation.

When taken correctly, the product is very reliable. But, like all hormonal contraceptives, there is a fairly large list of contraindications and side effects, therefore, in no case should you start taking Logest on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

Be sure to read the information in the package insert very carefully before you start taking it.

If you are not sure that you will be able to comply with all the conditions for taking the drug, it is better to choose another method of contraception with your doctor.

Reliable contraceptive

This drug is a reliable modern oral contraceptive.

The mechanism of action of Logest is to prevent ovulation, increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents the advancement of sperm, and this drug also affects the endometrium, thereby preventing possible implantation.

When taken correctly, the product is very reliable. But, like all hormonal contraceptives, there is a fairly large list of contraindications and side effects, therefore, in no case should you start taking Logest on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

Before you start taking it, be very careful


Logest is a low-dose monophasic combination drug with a contraceptive effect. It has long taken a stable place in its line of contraceptives in this group, having established itself as a reliable drug.

The contraceptive effect of Logest consists of a complex of pharmacological mechanisms, the main ones of which are thickening of cervical mucus, inhibition of follicular growth and suppression of ovulation. Gestodene, which is part of the drug, reduces the risk of intermenstrual bleeding at the beginning of use.

Thanks to scientific research, it has been established that this drug reduces the risk of oncological changes in the endometrium and ovaries, cystic formations of the ovaries and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, and breast diseases.

Logest copes well with the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome and ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders. Thus, Logest not only prevents unwanted pregnancy, but also helps to minimize unwanted sensations, such as pain, heavy bleeding during menstruation, mood changes, and reduces the risk of anemia, which is an important positive aspect in the life of a modern woman. Side effects are quite rare in clinical practice.

I heard that Logest is no longer the most modern drug, but how does the body react to it? gaining weight? experts

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Victoria Kiseleva

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Muzik Yana Valerievna

Psychologist, Psychoanalyst. Specialist from the site

Semikolennykh Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Yulia Vadimovna Voronina

Psychologist, bibliotherapist. Specialist from the site

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zadoina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Andreeva Anna Mikhailovna

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, oncologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Pavlichenko Marina Valentinovna

Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site

I drank Lindinet, an analogue of Logest, only cheaper. There were no problems.

I gained 15 kg and got kidneys.

I've been drinking for 6 years now, everything is great. There were no side effects. And weight is gained not from Logest and others OK, but if you eat cakes and buns. You can’t say unequivocally, this contraceptive is good, and this one is bad. Logest completely suits me, but it won’t suit some people. Everything is individual. The gynecologist selected it for me after an examination.

I’ve been taking it for 6 years and have never observed ANY side effects.

As it turned out, it didn’t suit me. I drank for a long time, about 5 years - the gynecologist said that it was possible without taking breaks. At first there were no problems, but after a few years my hair began to fall out. The trichologist said because it is not suitable for me (the gynecologist prescribed Logest without doing any tests), and if you take OCs for a long time, which are not suitable for you, then there will certainly be problems! But I repeat: not because they are bad, but poorly chosen. Now I'm drinking Yarina. The situation seems to be improving. Of course, there were enough problems without Logest, but he made the situation worse.

It made me sick, I took it for 6 months and quit. The result is a 2 year old daughter:))))

I've been drinking for a year now. pah-pah everything is ok. the weight remained unchanged and did not affect libido at all

I gained 10 kg. I drank it for 2 years. I quit, and within a year the previous weight was restored, but it’s a pity that stretch marks appeared, because... I gained weight very quickly.

Because of him, my emotional background was disturbed, all my problems worsened, I cried for terrible reasons for any reason.

I also began to gain weight from it and a lot of cellulite appeared. I stopped drinking it and will never take such crap again.

I drank Logest for 3 years in a row, at first everything was very good, but then my legs began to swell very much, my right leg even became numb. Then some acne appeared on my forehead, my skin became terrible. And then I discovered a large lump in my chest, the doctor stopped the drug, after the withdrawal my hair fell out terribly, I thought I was going bald. Now I'm afraid to take any OK, even the most modern and low-dose ones

I drank Logest and was always happy! Recently, a doctor advised me to buy Yarina - I drank it for a month and quit: my stomach began to hurt, and swelling appeared, and the weight started creeping up, and acne all over my body, and my breasts increased in size and still hurt (I quit it a month ago). In short, all 33 pleasures. This was not the case under Logest...

I've been taking Logest for 2.5 years - no problems (t-t-t) Weight is not gaining, desire is not decreasing))) In the first month of taking it, when the body was still getting used to Logest, there were frequent headaches and considerable nervousness, coupled with tearfulness. But then everything went away.

I have been taking Logest for 7 years. My mother has been drinking Logest for 3 years already. She's 42 years old. A friend has been drinking Logest for 6 years. Everything is fine for all of us, both with weight and with the non-appearance of cellulite - you need to exercise and eat properly, and your hormonal balance is normal. another friend drinks Yarina. She's ok too.

I've been taking Logest for 4 months - so far so good. Before that I drank Yarina - the desire disappeared. Everything is individual..

I took Yarina for 4 months. Strange discharge bothered me. I switched to Logest. There are no side effects. Ugh, ugh, ugh, but my hair is falling out terribly (whether it’s ok or not, I can’t tell) I cry constantly with or without reason (it’s also difficult to say whether it’s because of the pills)

I drank for three years. did not recover. but everything is individual. Suitable for one, not for another.

I drank Logest - everything was fine. I fell for the advertising (it was stupid) and bought Yarina. HORROR! The body began to smell! And not at all the scent of magnolias(((Wash, don’t wash - the skin itself began to openly hurt(((Ugh!

I took Logest for 2 years, but I just stopped. In general, I can say that there were no special side effects. But nevertheless, I gained 10 kg (either because of my appetite, which OK increases, or because of a change in diet, I don’t know). I gained weight, a lot of cellulite appeared, after jogging, a little blood vessels are visible on my legs. Then, my hair started falling out 3 months ago, but again I don’t know if it’s due to the pills. The desire has not disappeared, although the lubricant has almost disappeared (this is definitely from Logest). Yes, acne also began to appear periodically due to changes in hormonal levels (even at a younger age, the skin was clear). That's it, it seems. Now I will monitor myself after the withdrawal. I also tried other OK ones - Zhanine and Diane. Compared to them, Logest seems simply ideal to me. I want to try Yarina after the break, because I can’t lose weight when taking Logest.

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The doctor prescribed me Regividon 1.5 months ago. I felt that it would not suit me, as a result, my period passed, and brown discharge began, well, I thought my body was adapting, but that was not the case; 2 weeks after the brown discharge, I began to have terrible pain in the lower abdomen, I endured it from the last, then my chest began to hurt so much that I couldn’t touch it, I had a headache, felt nauseous, and became somewhat nervous. As a result, the brown discharge began to look like menstruation, and then my period began with heavy bleeding. Each drug is individual, but it is the cheapest, and it makes you gain weight.

I’m 26, I’ve been taking Logest for 6 years - only positive reviews: - the cycle is like clockwork (I mark the year ahead in the calendar :)) - acne has completely gone away - weight has stabilized (I’ve even lost a little weight) - emotionally I’ve become more balanced only positive reviews (of course I picked it up with a doctor and they got it right the first time :))

I drank Logest from May 2002 to October 2004. Then they quit and decided to have a child. I continued drinking since December 2005. I didn't take any breaks. thank God no kidneys, no liver, no cellulite. I didn't take any breaks. never any delays. there was an emotional state as it was and is. I gained 10kg in total. but it’s hard to say after childbirth the body itself changes

Yes, by the way, the doctor selected Logest for me, but it worked the first time. I am 25 years old

I've been taking Logest for almost a year. everything is fine.. only my periods are scanty. What should I change it to so that they become more abundant? Patamushta I plan to drink them for another 3 years without a break. and with such periods. in general, they will probably disappear in 3 years))) please tell me)

Please tell me. I suspect I'm pregnant. I've been taking Logest for almost three years. Here. got pregnant during the break. when your period has already passed. so here it is. 6 days ago. I’ve been drinking Logest all these days. but it’s impossible. What should I do? I’m planning to have an abortion using pills. But what should I do? Should I drink or not drink Logest... and what will happen if I continue to drink it.

Before pregnancy I took Logest, I lost weight, although my appetite was good, after 2 pregnancies I think about taking Logest again, I’m 30 years old, do you think maybe I need to drink something else?

Good afternoon. I've been taking Logest for over a year, everything was fine, but today I got my period even though I still have 12 tablets left. I really went on a Japanese diet (day 5), can this have any effect? I had the same problem with Novinet, after taking it for more than a year, my periods began in the middle of the cycle. That’s why the doctor switched me to logest. Tell me what my problem is. Thank you in advance.

Try Novinet, it definitely won’t cause anything bad, although everything is individual

I just started taking Logest, I don’t seem to feel sick or have a headache. Before that I took Novinet and Zhanine, but I stopped because I was feeling very nauseous.

I drank for a year. Everything is fine, no side effects. I haven’t gained weight, I have a great desire. A year later, UNEXPLAINABLE itching of the external genitalia appeared. The gynecologist said “everything is fine with you. there’s not even any redness,” this is from Logest, after a year he gives these chips, take a break for 2 months, now I’m on a break. Has anyone had this happen, I don’t know whether to return to it or not. Before this, I drank Lindinet 20 for a couple of months, but then they stopped selling it here, and now I see it has appeared in pharmacies again, and they already cost the same, what should I choose?

I’m drinking for the second month, horror, in the first month a rash appeared on my face - irritation, at the end of the first month my breasts increased and became so heavy (the doctor said that all the symptoms will go away in the 3rd month, so I’ll wait!

Everything was fine until I started to feel oily in the middle of my cycle and before the start of my period. I'm thinking of switching to Yarina.

Can a man cum in his partner while using Logest? or is it dangerous?

I almost drank the first pack of Logest, there is no nausea, my weight is also normal, but I have been using it all month and I really feel tearful. I don’t know whether to drink the next package, because... They say that for the first month, daubing is an addiction. 10 years ago I took Regividon, everything was normal.

I've been drinking for many years, no side effects only advantages, really expensive

I drank Logest for half a year. Weight has gained, swelling is terrible, engorgement has appeared in the rough, increased emotionality, sometimes uncontrollable..

I took Logest for 8 months. On the first package I was smeared for 3 weeks, in general everything was fine, but my periods were very scanty and I had a terrible appetite. On the 8th pack, after the third pill, severe swelling of the legs appeared (I couldn’t fasten my boots). I immediately stopped taking Logest. And now I haven’t had my period for the third month, I’m on Duphaston to induce my period.(((

Hi all! Advise what you would do in my place: Over the winter I gained 10 kg, there were no problems with excess weight, I always lost weight easily and by summer I was in shape. I took Logest for 1 month and quit. It's time to get your figure back to normal, but the weight won't budge! Previously, it was enough not to eat after 18.00, but now even exercising 3 times a week does not help. I have been actively fighting for 3 months now and not a kilo has gone away!:(((Before 3 days on fruit and no problems, now I was fasting for a week - 400 grams were lost! How is this possible. If my weight had been so stable before, I would be glad, but now I need to lose weight!((((I’m thinking maybe I should drink Logest for a month along with the diet?

Coward) I have exactly the same situation, after a hormonal imbalance I haven’t been able to do anything for 2 years, I just don’t have the strength anymore. Apparently, you have also disrupted your hormonal balance, it’s better not to start, as it could get worse. I advise you to take hormones and decide what to do based on the results. 2 years of visiting doctors did not give me anything, now I myself have found out that I have a lack of estrogen and increased progesterone, hence the problems with weight (by the way, stretch marks too), since progesterone is responsible for its gain and estrogens, on the contrary, estrogens are also responsible for skin elasticity. I will be treated with herbs.

You can smoke. It's time to catch Logasta.

You can smoke. about an hour to catch Logasta

I took Logest for 4 months, prescribed after laparoscopy to remove an ovarian cyst. There were no problems when taking OK. No acne or swelling. My weight is generally beautiful, I’ve lost 7 kg, but I don’t know what the reason is, whether it’s after surgery or because of the pills. In the summer I gained a little after resting and quickly lost it. Now I’ve stopped taking the pills and the weight has creeped up, it’s not coming off at all, I’ve already gained 4 kg in 2.5 months, problems have appeared with my periods, everything has gone wrong, delays are at least 10 days. So decide for yourself, everything is individual.

I drank Lindinet 20 for almost a year, stopped, now I decided to start again, but there were no Lindinet pharmacies in the city, the pharmacist at the pharmacy advised Logest, saying that the hormones are the same. I bought it and have been drinking it for a month, my breasts have become enlarged and hurt like during menstruation, nausea. Now I’m wondering whether it’s worth continuing to take these hormones. Although when I took Lindinet 20 there were no problems. What do you advise?

I have the same problem. Where did Lindinet go? I bought Logest, but read the reviews and doubted it

I was in the gynecology department, I had very painful ovulation, in the discharge summary I was prescribed Logest for half a year, I read the instructions and it said Use with caution: severe disorders of fat metabolism (obesity, hyperlipidemia); I am overweight and not 5 kg, more. Do you think I should go for a second consultation? It’s kind of scary to still gain 10 kilograms.

I’ve been taking Logest for the second month. In general, if everything was terrible, no, the drug is ok, but maybe it’s just not suitable for me, because... There is nausea, a lack of desire and a specific one, I just don’t want to cry. I haven’t gained an ounce. BUT the most important thing is terrible depression, there is no mood at all. Like a moron at the slightest trifle, the psychos are terrible!! This is a huge minus for me, because even without taking them I am a very emotional person, and here they do more I’m a monster)))) I don’t want to take them anymore! I think I won’t continue.

I don't know. what to do after logest severe bleeding appeared. My period ended 5 days before. The bleeding is not decreasing and my stomach hurts a little!! I don't know how long it will last. but it's already day 6

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Girls, tell me, when taking the first package of Logest, did anyone have a brown spot after menstruation and how long will it last? My gynecologist told me that this is normal, but to be honest, it worries me?

Good afternoon, can anyone tell me when you stop taking Logest, does the risk of getting pregnant increase for how long? month? two? don't like the drug. I’m already tired of depression and abdominal pain, my breasts are swollen and lumps have appeared. My first contraceptives, I thought my facial skin would get better. Well them, better prez then


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Doctors' advice

Teenage girls who are beginning to be sexually active are advised to take non-combined contraceptive medications. They do not have a negative effect on hormonal balance.

It is forbidden to use antiandrogenic combination products for girls under 19 years of age. Acne appears in 90% of adolescents, but they do not indicate disruption of the endocrine system. Often, secondary sexual characteristics are accompanied by hormonal surges, leading to the appearance of acne on the face.

Typically, by age 18, acne and other signs of hormonal imbalances disappear. If acne forms on the skin even after puberty, then the girl is advised to consult a doctor. In this case, hyperandrogenism is possible. To prevent rashes, it is recommended to take contraceptives on the first day of the cycle.

You can take pills on the second day of the cycle. In this case, the contraceptive effect occurs later. If the patient has not taken the pill, it is recommended to do so as soon as possible. The next reception should be carried out according to the scheme. In the last week of the cycle, you should stop using contraceptives.

You cannot take a break from treatment for more than 7 days. It is forbidden to start therapy several days before menstruation. In the first days of taking the contraceptive drug, a girl may experience a deterioration in the condition of her facial skin, but over time, the acne will begin to disappear.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A monophasic combination drug that suppresses the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, inhibits the maturation of follicles and suppresses ovulation. The hormonal substances included in the composition increase the viscosity of the mucus of the vagina and cervical canal and change the endometrium, which prevents the penetration of sperm into the cervical canal, on the one hand, and reduces the likelihood of egg implantation, on the other. Affect the movement of sperm in the fallopian tubes.


Gestodene is quickly absorbed after administration and after 1 hour its maximum content is noted in the blood. In the blood, it binds to albumin and special globulin (SHBG) by 69%. When taken daily, the content of gestodene in the blood increases 4 times. While taking the second half of the tablets, a state of equilibrium of its level in the blood is noted, the decrease of which occurs in two phases. Gestodene is completely metabolized and is excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and bile (half-life 24 hours).

Ethinyl estradiol is also completely absorbed from the intestine. Its content in serum peaks after 1-2 hours. The decrease in the level of the substance in the blood occurs in two phases. Ethinyl estradiol in the form of metabolites is excreted in bile and urine. Equilibrium concentration is achieved after 5-6 days from the start of taking the drug.

Types of tablets

Contraceptive drugs differ in composition and concentration of the active substance. They come in four generations.

Taking into account the dosage of the active component, medications are divided into the following groups :

  • high-dose (gestagen more than 35): Enovid, Anteovin, Non-Ovlon;
  • low-dose (gestagen up to 30): Yarina, Zhanin, Diane-35;
  • microdosed (gestagen more than 20): Logest, Jess, Novinet.

The doctor decides which tablets to take to treat acne on the face from the inside in each case individually. First generation drugs contain synthetic substances, estrogen and gestagen. The most pronounced antiandrogenic effect is characteristic of highly selective progestins:

  • gestagen;
  • drospirenone.

Contraceptives of any generation reduce the effect of hormones on the body by reducing the biogenic synthesis of testosterone. Old generation gestagens include testosterone derivatives Linestrenol and Desogestrel. The drugs are not prescribed to women with hyperandrogenism.

Tablets with gestagens are indicated for use by patients with elevated estrogen levels . Modern drugs include a natural analogue of estradiol valerate. Non-combined preparations (mini-pills) contain gestagen. Therapy is prescribed to women whose endocrine system functions normally. Acne and other manifestations of hormonal imbalance cannot be treated with non-combined products.


  • angina pectoris, hypertension, myocardial infarction;
  • history of cerebrovascular accidents, including transient ones;
  • presence of risk factors for thrombosis ;
  • diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular damage;
  • pancreatitis;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • hormone-dependent breast tumors ;
  • suspected pregnancy ;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown etiology;
  • epilepsy;
  • retinal vascular thrombosis;
  • thrombosis of the veins of the extremities;
  • overweight;
  • hypersensitivity to gestodene or ethinyl estradiol.

Mechanism of action

The effectiveness of birth control pills for acne is due to their powerful antiandrogenic effects. Contraceptive therapy lasts up to two months. It not only eliminates existing rashes, but also prevents their recurrence.

It is recommended to take the drugs as prescribed by a doctor and if indicated. Using contraceptives for acne on the face has the following advantages :

  • slowing down the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduction in skin oiliness;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • disappearance of acne;
  • elimination of inflammation and swelling.

Long-term use of contraceptives provokes various complications, including migraines, hypertension, low libido, thrombosis, increased body temperature, and hypersensitivity of the mammary glands. If side effects occur, it is recommended to inform your doctor. Uncontrolled and prolonged use of drugs in this group can provoke the development of the following pathologies :

  • oncology;
  • thrombosis;
  • obesity;
  • heart problems;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • early menopause

Birth control pills worsen the condition of the skin, provoke depression, and disrupt the menstrual cycle. To prevent side effects, it is not recommended to drink them for a long time.

Side effects of Logest

Low-dose hormonal contraceptives (containing minimal doses of estrogen and progesterone) are less likely to cause adverse reactions than high-dose ones, but you need to be aware of them:

  • soreness and enlargement of the mammary glands, discharge from them;
  • spotting and uterine bleeding;
  • changes in vaginal secretion;
  • depression , increased fatigue , headache (in the first months of use);
  • abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting ;
  • visual impairment;
  • rash , erythema multiforme and nodosum , itching ;
  • acne , baldness ;
  • jaundice;
  • swelling and weight gain;
  • development of thrombosis and thromboembolism .

Since the use of hormonal contraceptives causes side effects, they are prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination and determination of the “benefit-risk” of their use. After discontinuation of the drug, the menstrual cycle is restored. Pregnancy after discontinuation of Logest occurs within a year.

Doctors' opinions and reviews

Most reviews from women (,) who have taken or are taking a hormonal drug are positive. Reviews from gynecologists about the drug Logest are also positive.

The number of women who have experienced side effects from taking this medication is no more than 30%.

Despite the fact that the drug contains microdoses of sex hormones,
it is not recommended to prescribe it to yourself or take it despite existing contraindications . If adverse reactions occur, you should immediately seek advice from your gynecologist and replace Logest with an alternative drug.

Contraceptive pills Logest, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The tablets are taken orally every day, in the order indicated on the package, preferably at the same time, without a break for 21 days. Then there is a break of 7 days, during which bleeding appears, after which they move on to taking new tablets.

If the woman has not previously taken hormonal contraceptives

Reception begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle. If you start taking it on the 2nd - 4th day of the cycle, then it is necessary to use barrier contraception for the first week of taking the pills.

Switching from other combined contraceptives

It is necessary to immediately start taking this contraceptive after taking the active tablet of the previous hormonal contraceptive.

When switching from intrauterine hormonal contraception containing progestogen, intradermal implants and injections, mini-pills

This drug is taken any day after finishing the mini-pill. When using injections or implants, the first tablet is taken on the day the intradermal implant is removed or the contraceptive injection ends. However, in all cases, barrier contraception is prescribed for a week.

How to take the drug after an early abortion

The drug is started immediately. In this case, there is no need for additional contraception.

Birth control pills after childbirth or late pregnancy abortion

Taken 21-28 days after physiological birth (or induced abortion performed in the second trimester). In case of a later start, a barrier method of contraception is used for a week.

If you miss taking a pill, there are separate instructions for using Logest.

Tablet interactions

Like any hormonal drug, Logest can actively interact with certain groups of medications, ethyl alcohol and components of tobacco smoke.

With other drugs

In order not to create additional stress on the liver and not to reduce the contraceptive effect of the hormonal drug, it is not recommended to combine its use with the following types of medications:

  • Rifampicin;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Preparations containing St. John's wort extract;
  • Oxcarbazepine;
  • Felbamate;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Topiramate;
  • Intraconazole;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Macrolides;
  • Verapamil;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Clarithromycin.

In addition, while taking Logest, it is not recommended to drink grapefruit juice, as it can enhance the effect of one of the active components of the drug.

With alcohol

The hormonal components of any oral contraceptive create additional stress on the liver. Alcohol has a similar effect, even in minimal dosages. That is why it is strictly forbidden to combine the use of hormonal contraceptives with alcohol consumption. Even minimal doses of ethyl alcohol in combination with birth control pills can cause serious harm to a woman’s body.

With smoking

Substances contained in tobacco smoke negatively affect the condition of the cardiovascular system and also increase the risk of blood clots. If a woman combines birth control pills with smoking, she is at high risk of developing blood clots and thromboembolic complications. At the stage of taking oral contraception, it is recommended to completely stop smoking.


There is a decrease in contraceptive protection when taking ampicillins and tetracyclines , since they reduce the circulation of estrogen in the liver, lowering the concentration of ethinyl estradiol.

Sulfonamides, butadione, analgin, amidopyrine enhance the metabolism of steroid hormones included in Logest.

Medicines: barbiturates, carbamazepine, ritonavir, rifampicin, oxcarbazepine, griseofulvin reduce the contraceptive effectiveness of Logest.

Combined contraceptives affect the metabolism of cyclosporine , leading to a decrease in its plasma concentration. Taking estrogen-progestin drugs requires adjustment of the dosage of glucose-lowering drugs, as well as indirect anticoagulants.

Pharmacotherapeutic group and properties

The medication belongs to monophasic low-dose oral estrogen-gestagen contraceptives. The gestagenic component of the drug, gestodene, affects a woman’s body more strongly than the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum. Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic derivative of natural estrogens . The contraceptive effect of the drug is due to its ability to suppress the process of egg maturation, inhibit the susceptibility of the uterine cavity mucosa to the blastocyst and increase the viscosity of cervical mucus.

Reviews about Logest

Reviews from women about Logest indicate that the use of the drug is highly reliable. Tolerability of the drug is assessed as very good. Women note that taking the drug does not affect body weight even with long-term use. There is also no androgenic effect on skin and hair growth.

Reviews from doctors indicate the positive clinical characteristics of the drug. Reducing the dose of hormones significantly reduces the number of side effects. At the same time, the drug has high bioavailability , which makes it possible to predict its level in the blood and use it at a lower dose. There is a lower risk of intermenstrual bleeding when taking products containing gestodene. Doctors prescribe it to regulate the menstrual cycle. The drug is effective for heavy, prolonged and painful menstruation. With its use, painful periods are observed less frequently, the intensity of discharge decreases, and the risk of anemia decreases.

Analyzing reviews of Logest on forums, we can conclude that Logest is recommended for women who are starting to “get acquainted” with oral contraceptives. It is used when high-dose drugs are poorly tolerated. In addition, it is used for the treatment and prevention of many gynecological diseases.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, it is noted that it cannot be taken with many medications (even with analgin), the appearance of cellulite . For many, an important point is the price. The high price of this drug is considered a disadvantage.

Logest's analogs

Drugs that can be called analogues of the combined oral contraceptive Logest include:

  1. Dinoret. The medication contains ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. Dinoret is an analogue of Logest in terms of method of administration and indications.
  2. Regulon. The active ingredients of the drug include ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. This medication is analogous to logistics in its method of administration and indications.
  3. Lindineth. By analogy with Logest, this drug contains ethinyl estradiol and gestodene. That is why Lindinet is an absolute analogue of Logest.
  4. Yarina. The drug consists of ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. Yarina can be classified as an analogue of Logest in terms of indications and method of administration.

Which is better Logest or Jess?

Both drugs have a combined hormonal composition, but the contraceptive effect of Logest is due to the influence of ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, and the contraceptive properties of the drug Jess are due to the content of drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Both medications have the same contraceptive properties. Each package of Logest contains 21 active tablets, and the package of Jess contains 28 tablets, 7 of which are placebo. Jess is contraindicated in women with adrenal insufficiency and severe kidney dysfunction. The drug cannot be prescribed to patients who have chronic pancreatitis with severe triglyceridemia.

Which is better Logest or Yarina?

Logest and Yarina contain ethinyl estradiol, but the content of this component in Logest is much lower. Both medications contain 21 active tablets. The drug Yarina can be used not only to protect against unplanned pregnancy, but also to correct hormonal levels. The components of this drug have a beneficial effect on menstrual function, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and help fight acne. If a woman has not previously had experience taking oral contraception, then she is recommended to give preference to Logest (provided that there are no contraindications). In addition, women's reviews of Logest tablets are less negative than those of Yarina. Yarina is most often prescribed to women with severe symptoms of PMS, heavy and prolonged menstruation.

Patient reviews

My daughter is going through adolescence. Acne began to appear on my face. The gynecologist advised us to undergo examination by an endocrinologist. After passing all the tests, we were prescribed the drug Yarina. There were no side effects. Acne went away quickly, hormonal balance was restored within a month.

Irina, 45 years old

Began early sexual activity. She used hormonal drugs as contraceptives. This affected my well-being and hormonal balance. Acne appeared on my face. I consulted with a doctor and was prescribed the drug Jess. I took the pills for over a month. The condition improved, there were no negative reactions.

Olga, 17 years old

My niece developed acne on her face.
The doctor prescribed her Diana-35. She took the drug for 2 months, and by the end of the course, the skin on her face was completely cleared of acne and ulcers. Svetlana, 32 years old

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